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Adrian stormed out of his room and approached Peter with a calm yet firm expression. For a moment, Peter couldn't fight back the thought that he wanted to murder every living thing in the damn house. It was brief, but evident. Like a voice screaming 'FUCKING END THEM ALL' then running off into the dark shadows in the back of his mind. 

"Peter, I think you should leave," Adrian stated calmly over Natalia's crying, "not because you did anything wrong— you didn't— but you and I both know how you get when you're angry."

"I'm fucking fine, Adrian," he spat violently.

"No you're not, you literally just proved my point," Adrain disagreed, "I can talk to MJ for you if you want."

"Good luck getting through that slut's thick ass skull," Peter growled in reply, making Adrian's expression harden fiercely.

"Don't talk about my sister like that," he hissed, "now leave before you do something you'll regret."

Peter grit his teeth and grumbled, "pull her head out of her ass for me," then whirled around and quickly left the house.

He hurried down the sidewalk, trying desperately to escape Natalia's cries, yet his ears seemed to refuse to let the sound go. His breath started quickening and his limbs started growing weak. As he sped-walked in a direction that he didn't recognize, the city grew thicker around him and suffocated him with the massive buildings towering around him. His entire body felt completely useless and, in a moment of disconnection, his legs faltered beneath him and he collapsed onto the concrete sidewalk. His breathing shallow and dangerously fast, the world started to fade around him. Terror rushed through his veins as his reality came crashing down around him.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die," he mumbled nonsensically to himself.

He was completely alone with nothing but the sound of Natalia screaming in his ears, and he could have sworn his was about to die. He blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to clear his vision and at least see his surroundings. With a deep breath of polluted air he suddenly knew exactly where he was. He was back on Titan, sick to his stomach with an intense nausea that rippled through his entire body. 

"I-i don't feel so good," he rasped to nobody. 

The trauma started in his arm. It felt as through every fiber in his body was tearing itself apart yet desperately trying to hold itself together. Tears streamed down his face as the sharp, cold agony spread through the rest of his body. His heart was palpitating and making him grow lightheaded, he felt as through he needed to sleep and never wake up, yet no matter how hardly death pulled at his eyelids, they never closed. His entire body felt heavy yet at the same time nonexistent, like he was trapped between the gates of hell and reality. 

Suddenly, everything halted. Time slowed to a stop along with his breathing and the pounding of his heart. His entire body went completely limp and his mind shut down.

"F-FRIDAY, check his vitals," a distant, shaky voice ordered.

"Yes sir..... his pulse is a little slow, but not enough to be problematic," the AI replied.

There was a brief moment of silence then the voice asked, "what caused this? Drug overdose? Alcohol?"

"I'm detecting no drugs or alcohol in his bloodstream. My guess is he fainted from a severe panic attack," FRIDAY answered.

"Oh god, kid I'm so sorry," he breathed.

"It's not your fault, Tones," a second voice coaxed.

"I know, I just-"

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