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Peter awoke slowly and instantly wanted to kill himself once he did. His stomach was doing backflips nonstop and his head spun impossibly fast as he gazed at his surroundings. He was laying on the couch across from MJ's bed which was empty.

"Fuck..." he whispered as he carefully sat himself up.

He couldn't remember anything past his fight with Natasha, even that was fuzzy as hell. He must've blacked out at some point and now he was hungover. MJ walked into the room and sat next to him on the couch, letting him lean against her for support.

"MJ I'm gonna be sick," Peter mumbled.

She grabbed a trash can and handed it to him then looked away as he puked up just about everything he'd ever eaten. MJ was used to this, but she knew she shouldn't be. Peter never should've become an alcoholic, she should've stopped him the first time she saw him drunk. The truth was, she was terrified. The first time she saw him drunk she had no idea what to do, so she dragged him to her house and lay him on her bed. If she had just called his family and told them she wouldn't be pregnant and she could go back to enjoying her relationship with Peter.

"Are those pregnant-people-cry-at-everything tears or are you legitimately upset?" Peter asked after a moment.

MJ dried her eyes with her sleeve, "I'm actually upset."

"Why?" He wrapped his arm around her back, "what's wrong?"

She shook her head slightly, she didn't want to talk about it at the moment, "it's nothing. We should eat breakfast."

After breakfast, Adrian and Peter had just decided to say 'fuck it' to school. Adrian had the day off anyways since his class was going on a field trip and he didn't want to go while Peter just called in sick, which he kind of was. In the meantime, they busied themselves with taking care of MJ while coming up with baby names.

"Peter, what's your dad's name?" Adrian asked.

"Which one?" Peter raised an eyebrow.

"Umm.. all of them?" Adrian eyed him curiously.

"Richard Parker was my birth father, Ben Parker was my uncle but ended up being like my dad- MJ are you crying again?"

"Yes I'm sorry," MJ wiped her eyes, "It's just so sad, I mean- Ben was the nicest guy ever."

"He was," Peter smiled sadly, "Anyways, my dad now is named Tony, but his full name is Anthony. And Steve is kinda like a dad. So is Stephen," Peter brightened up as he thought about Doctor Strange, "then there's Loki who's almost like a dad, but he's like a deadbeat dad, he's never really around- MJ stop crying it's fine that Loki is never around when I have three other dads."

"I know, I know," MJ took a deep breath.

"Wait Loki? Like the god that tried taking over New York? He's your deadbeat dad!?" Adrian exclaimed.

"Stop saying deadbeat dad," MJ whined and Peter gave her a comforting hug.

"Well um, no. Er yeah I mean I met him through the Stark Internship," Peter awkwardly lied.

"Stark Enterprises hardly ever takes inters, especially not from teenagers," Adrian challenged, "and you're never around the same time Spiderman is."

"Ugh you guys are too smart," Peter groaned.

"So you admit you're Spiderman?"

"I mean- well yeah I am," Peter admitted in defeat.

Adrian was still suspicious, "Prove it."

Peter shot a web at a bottle of water and yanked it into his hand then offered it to Adrian, "Thirsty?"

"Oh wow," Adrian's eyes lit up, "we should name the baby after a type of spider!"

"Oh god no," MJ shook her head, "no way."

"Well... okay Loki is really cool so if the baby is a boy their name could be Loki, for a girl: Lokea is pretty close," Adrian decided, "but I also really like Anthony so the girl version could be Antonia."

MJ and Peter glanced at each other then replied in unison, "I like those."

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