Chapter 45

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Walking alone from the lot to my dorm, I'm flustered. My emotions are in overdrive. I just spent the night and most of the afternoon with Jungkook and we got along, mostly. It was actually fun, a lot of fun. Why can't I have a great time like that with someone who actually likes me? Like Seulgi. I know I should call her back, but I want to revel in the way I feel right now. 

When I get back to my room, I'm surprised to see Hoseok there; he usually stays gone all weekend. 

"Where have you been, young boy?" he teases and shoves a handful of cheese popcorn into his mouth. 

I laugh and take my shoes off before plopping onto the bed. "I was looking for a car." 

"Find one?" he asks, and I dive into telling him about the run-down lots I visited, leaving out Jungkook's involvement in the afternoon. After a few minutes, there's a knock at the door and Hoseok gets up to answer. 

"What are you doing here, Jungkook?" he growls. 

Jungkook. I glance up nervously and he walks over to my bed. He has his hands in his pockets and he rocks back on his heels. 

"Did I forget something in your car?" I ask, and hear J-Hope gasp. I will have to explain to him later, though I'm not sure how we ended up hanging out, either. 

"Ermm . . . no. Um, well, I thought maybe I could drive you to my dad's house tonight. You know, since you didn't find a car," he spits out, not seeming to notice or care that Hoseok is standing in the room with his jaw practically on the floor. "If not . . . that's okay, too. I just thought I would offer." 

I sit up and he pulls his lip ring between his teeth. I love when he does that. I am so surprised by his offer, I almost forget to actually answer him. "Yeah . . . that would be great. Thank you." 

I smile and he smiles back, warm and seemingly relieved. He pulls one hand out of his pocket and sweeps it through his hair before stuffing it back in. 

"Okay . . . I'll come by about six thirty, so you can get there on time." 

"Thank you, Jungkook." 

"Jimin," he says calmly and walks out the door, pulling it shut behind him.

"What the hell was that?!" Hoseok squeals. 

"I don't know, actually," I admit. As soon as I think Jungkook could not get more confusing, he does something like this. 

"I cannot believe that just happened! I mean, Jungkook . . . the way he came in here, like he was nervous or something! Oh my God! And he offered to drive you to his dad's . . . Wait, why are you going to his dad's house? And you thought you left something in his car? How do I miss so much! I need details!" He practically shouts and bounds onto the foot of my bed. 

So I go through the whole thing, explaining to him how he showed up here last night and we watched a movie and he fell asleep, how we went to look at cars today—and how I didn't mention him being there before because I figured that if I insisted Hoseok help me keep him away, it would feel odd to admit I'd hung out with him. I don't say much about his dad except that I am going there for dinner, but he seems more interested in last night anyway. 

"I can't believe he stayed here—that is a huge deal. Like Jungkook doesn't just stay places, ever. And he never lets anyone stay with him. I heard he has nightmares or something, I don't know. But seriously—what have you done to him? I wish I would have recorded the way he looked when he just came here!" he yells and laughs. "I still don't think this is a good idea, but you do seem to handle him better than most. Just be careful," Hoseok warns again. 

What have I done to him? Nothing, surely. He just isn't used to being nice, but for some reason he's being nice to me. Maybe it's a way to beat me at some game, or prove a point that he can fake manners? I am not sure and it hurts my head to try to figure it out. 

I bring up V, and Hoseok takes the conversation from there. I try to pay attention to his stories from last night's party: how Molly ended up shirtless (go figure) and V beat Yoongi in a drunken arm-wrestling match (he swears it was one of those things that are much funnier when you're there). My thoughts drift back to Jungkook, of course, and I check the clock to make sure I have enough time to get ready for tonight. It is four o'clock now, so I should start getting ready at five. 

Hoseok talks until five thirty and is ecstatic when I ask him to do my hair and makeup. I am not sure why I am putting such effort into looking okay for a family dinner that I really shouldn't be going to, but I do anyway. He applies the makeup lightly so you can barely tell it's there, but it looks great. Natural but pretty. Then he curls my hair the way he did before. I decide to wear my favorite maroon shirt, despite Hoseok's attempts to have me wear something from his closet. My maroon shirt and plain white jeans are nice and conservative, perfect for a family dinner. 

"Your outfit, it's just . . . boring." He crinkles his nose. Hoseok looks more pleased when I tuck the shirt into my jeans and ask him for the pair of vans he previously shared with me.

As six thirty approaches, I realize I am more nervous about the ride to dinner than the actual dinner. I fidget with the tights and practice walking around the room a few times before Jungkook finally knocks on the door. Hoseok gives me a strange smile and I pull the door open. 

"Wow, Jimin, you . . . um . . . look nice," he mumbles and I smile. Since when does he say "um" in every sentence? 

Hoseok escorts us out the door, winks, and exclaims like a proud parent, "You two have fun!" 

Jungkook flips him off, and he returns the vulgar gesture as he closes the door in his face. 

Thank you for reading!

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