Chapter 82

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This woman,known as my mom, I've lived with values her sense of control so much that there are few times I've managed to surprise her, let alone stun her. But here, I have really, truly stunned my mother. Her posture is erect and her face has fallen. 

"What did you just say?" she asks slowly. 

"You heard me. This is our apartment—as in, we both live here." I put my hands on my hips for dramatic effect. 

"There is no way that you live here. You can't afford a place like this!" she scoffs. 

"Would you like to see our lease? Because I have a copy." 

"This whole situation is even worse than I thought . . ." she says, then shifts her eyes to stare behind me, as if I'm not even worth looking at while she calculates her formula for my life. "I knew you were being foolish by messing around with that . . . that boy. But you are just plain stupid for moving in with him! You don't even know him! You haven't met his parents—aren't you embarrassed to be seen in public with him?"

My anger boils over. I glance at the wall, trying to gather some composure, but it's too much and before I can stop myself, I am in her face. "How dare you come into my home and insult him! I know him better than anyone, and he knows me better than you ever could! And I have actually met his family, his father at least. You want to know who his father is? He's the goddamn chancellor of WCU!" I scream. "That should satisfy your sad little judgmental streak." 

I hate throwing Jungkook's father's title around, but this is the type of thing that would jolt her. 

Probably because he heard the break in my voice, Jungkook comes out of the bedroom with a worried expression. He comes over and stands beside me and tries to pull me back from my mother, just like last time. 

"Oh, great! And here's the man of the hour," my mother mocks, and gestures wildly at him. "His father is not the chancellor." She half-laughs. 

My face is red and soaked with tears, but I couldn't care less. "Yes, he is. Shocked? If you weren't so busy being a judgmental bitch, you could have talked to him and found that out. You know what? You don't even deserve to know him. He has been there for me in ways you never were, and there is nothing—and I mean nothing—you can do to keep me away from him!" 

"You do not speak to me that way!" she screams and steps closer. "You think just because you got yourself a fancy little apartment and put some eyeliner on that you are suddenly a man? Honey, I hate to break it to you, but you look like a whore, living with someone at eighteen!" 

Jungkook's eyes narrow at her in warning, but she ignores him. 

"You better end this before you lose your virtue, Jimin. Just take a look in the mirror, then look at him! You two look ridiculous together; you had Seulgi, who was great for you, and you threw her out for . . . this!" She gestures to Jungkook. 

"Seulgi has nothing to do with this," I say. 

Jungkook's jaw clenches and I silently beg him not to say anything. 

"Seulgi loves you, and I know you love her. Now stop this rebellious charade and come with me. I will get you back into your dorm, and Seulgi will certainly forgive you." She reaches a hand out authoritatively, as if I'll take it and stroll out of here with her. 

I grab the bottom of my shirt with my fists. "You are so insane. Honestly, Mother, listen to yourself! I don't want to come with you. I live here with Jungkook and I love him. Not Seulgi. I care for Seulgi, but it was only your influence that made me think I loved her because I felt like I should. I am sorry, but I love Jungkook and he loves me." 

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