Chapter 39

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During the drive I sit in the back and stare out the window, letting my mind wander. When we arrive at the restaurant, I cringe at the number of motorcycles outside. I had assumed we would be going somewhere like T.G.I. Friday's or Applebee's, not a biker bar and grill. When we walk inside I feel like everyone is staring at me, even though they probably aren't. 

Hoseok grabs a hold of my hand and pulls me along as they walk to a booth in the back. "Yoongi is coming. That's okay, right?" he asks as we take our seats. 

"Yeah, of course," I tell him. As long as it's not Jungkook, I don't mind. Besides, some company would be nice, because right now I feel like the third wheel. 

A woman with even more tattoos than Hoseok and V strides over to the table and takes our drink order. Hoseok and V both order beers. This must be why they like to come here, because they don't card. The woman raises an eyebrow when I order a Coke, but I don't want to drink. I have studying to do when I get back to my room. Minutes later she brings our drinks and I'm taking a big swig when I hear a wolf whistle as Yoongi and Namjoon walk toward our table. As they get closer, Molly's pink hair comes into view . . . followed by Jungkook. 

I spit the Coke back into my cup. 

Hoseok's eyes widen as he lays eyes on Jungkook and he looks at me. "I swear I didn't know he was coming. We can leave now if you want," he whispers as Namjoon slides into the booth next to me. I have to force myself not to look toward Jungkook. 

"Whoa, Jimin, you look super hot!" Namjoon proclaims, and I blush. "Really, like wow! I've never seen you like this." 

I thank him by way of a small smile. Yoongi, Molly, and Jungkook sit in the booth behind us. I want to ask Hoseok to trade seats with me so my back will be to Jungkook, but I can't bring myself to. I will just avoid eye contact with him the entire time. I can do it. 

"You do look smokin', Jimin," Yoongi says over the divider, and I smile because I'm not used to all this attention. Jungkook hasn't commented on my new look, but I didn't expect him to. I'm just glad he isn't insulting me. 

Jungkook and Molly are sitting right in my line of sight. I can see Jungkook's entire face through the space between Hoseok and V's shoulders. 

If I just look once, it couldn't hurt . . . Stealing a peek before I can stop myself, I instantly regret it. Jungkook's arm is hooked around Molly's shoulders. 

Jealousy tears through me—my punishment for looking at him when I shouldn't be. Of course they are probably messing around again. Or still. They probably never stopped. I remember how comfortable she was straddling him at the party, and I swallow down the bile rising in my throat. Jungkook is free to do whatever or whoever he pleases. 

"He does look great, doesn't he?" Hoseok encourages them and they all nod. 

I can feel Jungkook's eyes on me but I can't look over at him again. He is wearing a white T-shirt that I'm sure lets his tattoos show through, and his hair is perfectly messed up, but I don't care. I don't care how good he looks or how skanky Molly is dressed. 

She's so irritating, with her stupid pink hair and her skanky clothes. She is a slut. I'm surprised by my thoughts and my anger toward her, but it's true. And I really don't like her. I don't think I've actually ever called anyone a slut, even in my head. 

So of course she picks right now to compliment me. "You do look good, boy, better than ever before!" she says and then leans into Jungkook's chest. 

I make eye contact with her and fake a smile. 

"Mind if I have a sip?" Namjoon asks, but grabs my cup before I really answer.

I let him drink out of my glass, which I'm usually against, but I am so uncomfortable right now that I can't think straight. He gulps down half my Coke and I nudge him. 

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