Chapter 64

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I pull up to the damned fraternity house that I have spent way too much time in. I hate this house. I hate a lot of things right now, and my anger toward Jungkook is almost to its boiling point. I park at the curb and rush up the steps and into the crowded house. I head straight for the old couch Jungkook is usually perched on, but, not spotting his mop of hair, I duck behind a heavyset guy before Hoseok or anyone else can spot me.

Rushing up the stairs to his room, I bang my fist against the door, annoyed that once again he has it locked.

"Jungkook! It's me, open the door!" I yell desperately and continue to pound, but there's no answer. Where the hell is he? I don't want to call him to find out, even though that is obviously easier, but I'm angry and I feel like I need to stay angry so I can say what I mean-what I need to say-and not feel bad about it.

I call Jin to see if Jungkook is at his father's, but he isn't. The only other place that I know to look is the bonfire, but I doubt he would still be there. Still, I don't have any other options right now.

So I drive back to the stadium and park my car, repeating the angry words I have saved for Jungkook over and over to make sure I don't forget anything in case he actually is here. Approaching the field, I can see that almost everyone has left already and the fire is almost out. I walk around and squint in the dying light and stare at couples to see if they are Jungkook and Jisoo, without luck.

Just as I decide to stop looking, I finally do see Jungkook leaning against the fence by the goalpost. He is alone, and doesn't seem to notice me walking toward him as he takes a seat on the grass, wiping his mouth. When he removes his hand, it looks red. Is he bleeding?

Suddenly Jungkook's head snaps up as if he can sense my presence, and, yes, the corner of his mouth is bleeding and the shadow of a bruise is already forming on his cheek.

"What the hell-" I say and kneel down in front of him. "What happened to you?" I ask.

He looks up at me and his eyes are so haunted, my anger dissolves like sugar on my tongue.

"Why do you care? Where's your date?" he growls.

I click my tongue gently and move his hand away from his mouth, examining his busted lip. He jerks away from me but I bite my tongue. "Tell me what happened," I demand.

He sighs and runs his hand over his hair. His knuckles are busted and bloody. The cut on his index finger looks deep and very painful.

"Did you get in a fight?"

"What gave you that idea?" he snaps.

"With who? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am fine, now leave me alone."

"I came here to find you," I tell him and stand up, wiping the dead grass off my jeans.

"Okay. And you found me, so go."

"You don't have to be such an asshole," I say. "I think you should go home and get cleaned up. You might need stitches on that knuckle."

Jungkook doesn't respond but stands up and walks past me. I came here to yell at him for being such an idiot and tell him how I feel, and he's making it very hard-I knew he would.

"Where are you going?" I ask, following him like a lost puppy.

"Home. Well, I'm going to call Jisoo and see if she will come back and pick me up."

"She left you here?" I don't like her at all.

"No. Well, technically, but I told her to."

"Let me take you," I say and grab his jacket. He shrugs me off, and I want to slap him. My anger is returning and I am more pissed-off than before. The tables have turned; our . . . whatever this is has shifted. I am usually the one running from him.

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