Chapter 57

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The next morning I wake up before Jungkook and manage to roll him off me and untangle our legs without waking him. The memory of him saying my name in relief and all the secrets about himself he disclosed makes my stomach flutter. He was so unguarded and open last night, it made me care for him even more. The depth of my feelings for him scares me and I feel like I can tell they're there, but I'm not really ready to face them yet. I get my curling iron and the small bag of Hoseok's makeup I borrowed, with his permission, of course, and walk down to the bathroom. 

The hallway is empty, and no one knocks on the door while I get ready. I'm not as lucky as I make my way back to Jungkook's room. Three guys come down the hall in my direction, one of them Namjoon. 

"Hey, Jimin!" he chirps and flashes me his perfect smile. 

"Hey, how are you?" I feel awkward with the three of them staring at me. 

"Good, just on our way out. Are you like moving in here or something?" he says, and laughs. 

"No, definitely not. Just . . . um . . . visiting." I have no clue what to say. The tall guy bends down and whispers something into Namjoon's ear. I can't make out what he says, but I look away. "Well, I will see you guys later," I say. 

"Yeah, see you tonight at the party," Namjoon says and walks away. 

What party? Why wouldn't Jungkook mention a party to me? Maybe he doesn't plan on being there? Or maybe he doesn't want you to come, my subconscious adds. Who throws a party on a Tuesday, anyway? 

When I reach Jungkook's door, it opens before I reach the handle. 

"Where were you?" he says and opens it wide enough for me to walk in. 

"Doing my hair. I wanted to let you sleep," I tell him. 

"I told you not to be wandering the halls, Jimin," he scolds. 

"And I told you not to boss me around, Jungkook," I add sarcastically, and his features soften. 

"Touché." He laughs and steps closer to me. He places one of his hands on the small of my back and puts the other beneath my shirt and on my stomach. His fingers are rough with calluses but glide gently on my skin, moving higher and higher on my stomach. 

"However, you really wondering in these clothes when you're roaming the halls of a fraternity house, Jimin ssi." He brings his mouth to my ear at the exact moment that his fingers find my nipples. He rubs over the sensitive area with his thumbs, making them harden under his touch. He sucks in a sharp breath, and I am frozen but my heart is racing. "You never know what kind of perverts are lurking in the halls," he says softly into my ear. 

His thumbs swirl around my nipples, before he pinches them lightly. My head falls to his chest and I am unable to control my moans as his fingers continue their gentle assault. 

"I bet I could make you come just by doing this," he says and applies more pressure. 

I had no idea that this could feel this . . . good. I nod and Jungkook chuckles, his mouth against my ear. "Do you want me to do that? Make you come?" he asks and I nod again. Does he even have to ask? My heavy breathing and shaky knees should give it away. 

"Good boy, now let's move to the—" he begins when the alarm on my cell phone goes off. 

I snap to attention. "Oh God! We have to leave in ten minutes, Jungkook, and you're not even dressed. I'm not even dressed!" 

I pull away, but he shakes his head and pulls me back to him, this time pulling my pants and boxers down my legs. He reaches over and shuts my phone off. 

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