Chapter 27

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We start down a gravel road, and Jungkook turns the music off so that the only noise is the little stones crunching beneath the tires. I suddenly realize we are out in the middle of nowhere. I get nervous now; we are alone, really alone. There are no cars, no buildings, nothing.

"Don't worry, I didn't bring you out here to kill you," he jokes and I gulp. I doubt he realizes that I'm more afraid of what I might do when alone with him than if he was to actually try to kill me.

After another mile he stops the car. I look out the window and see nothing but grass and trees. There are yellow wildflowers across the landscape and the breeze is perfectly warm. Granted, the place is nice and serene. But why bring me here?

"What are we going to do here?" I ask him as I climb out of the car.

"Well, first, a bit of walking." I sigh. So he took me here to exercise? Noticing my sour expression, he adds, "Not too much walking," and begins along a part of the grass that looks flattened from being used a number of times.

We're both quiet for most of the walk, save a few rude snips from Jungkook about me being too slow. I ignore him and take in my surroundings. I am beginning to understand why he likes this seemingly random place. It's so quiet. Peaceful. I could stay here forever as long as I brought a book with me. He turns off the trail and goes into a wooded area. My natural suspiciousness kicks in, but I follow. A few minutes later we emerge from the woods to a stream, or really more of a river. I have no idea where we are but the water looks pretty deep. Jungkook doesn't say anything as he pulls his black T-shirt over his head.My eyes scan his inked torso. The way the empty branches of the dead tree are drawn into his skin is more appealing than haunting under the bright sun. He then bends down to untie his dirty black boots, glancing up at me,catching me staring at his half-naked body.

"Wait, why are you undressing?" I ask and look at the stream. Oh no. "You are going to swim? In that?" I say and point to the water.

"Yeah, and you are, too. I do it all the time." He unbuttons his pants and I have to force myself to not stare at the way the muscles in his bare back move when he bends down and pulls them over his legs.

"I am not swimming in that." I don't mind swimming, but not in a random place in the middle of nowhere. "And why is that?" He gestures toward the river. "It's clean enough that you can see the bottom."

"So . . . there are probably fish and God knows what in there." I realize how ridiculous I sound but I don't care. "Besides, you didn't tell me we were going swimming so I have nothing to swim in." He can't argue with that.

"You're telling me you're the kind of boy who doesn't wear underwear?" He smirks, and I gape at him, and those dimples. "Yeah, so go in underwear."

Wait, so he thought I would come out here and take all my clothes off and swim with him? My insides stir and I get warm thinking about being naked in the water with Jungkook. What is he doing to me? I have never, ever had these types of thoughts before him.

"I am not swimming in my underwear, you creep." I sit on the soft grass.

"I'll just watch," I tell him. He frowns. Now only in his boxer briefs, the black material is tight against his body. This is the second time I have seen him shirtless and he looks even better here, under the open sky.

"You're no fun. And you're missing out," he says flatly. And jumps into the water. I keep my eyes on the grass and pluck a few blades out, playing with them between my fingers. I hear Jungkook call, "The water is warm, Minnie!" from the stream. From my spot on the grass, I can see the drops of water falling from his now-black hair. He is smiling as he pushes his soaked hair back and wipes his face off with one hand.

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