Chapter 50

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I pick up the clothes Jungkook brought me to wear: one of his signature black T-shirts, a pair of red-and-gray plaid pants, and some large black socks. I laugh at the idea of Jungkook actually wearing those, but then I realize these are likely from the dresser of unworn clothes.

I lift the shirt up and it smells like him. He has worn this one, and recently. The smell is intoxicating, minty and indescribable, but it is my newly acquired favorite scent in the entire world. I change into the clothes, finding the pants much too big but very comfortable. 

I lie down on the bed and pull the blanket up to my chest, my eyes fixated on the ceiling as I relive the whole day in my mind. I feel myself drifting off to sleep, to dream of green eyes and black T-shirts. 

"NO!!" Jungkook's voice jolts me awake. Am I hearing things? 

"Please!" he yells again. I jump out of bed and run across the hall. My hands find the cold metal of the doorknob to Jungkook's room and, thank God, it opens. 

"NO! Please . . ." he yells again. I didn't think this through; if someone is hurting him, I have no idea what I will do. I fumble around for the lamp and switch it on. Jungkook is shirtless and tangled in the thick comforter, thrashing and tossing. Without thinking, I sit on the bed and reach for his shoulder. His skin is hot, too hot. 

"Jungkook!" I say quietly, trying to wake him. His head snaps to the side, and he whimpers but doesn't wake. 

"Jungkook, wake up!" I cry and shake him harder while my body moves to sit astride his. Both of my hands go to his shoulders once more and I shake him again. 

His eyes fly open; terror fills them for a brief moment before confusion, then relief. Beads of sweat cover his forehead. 

"Jimin ssi," he chokes. The way he says my name breaks my heart, then heals it. Within seconds he untangles his arms and brings them to my back, pushing me forward to lie on his chest. The wetness of his chest startles me, but I stay put. I can hear his heart beating, pumping rapidly against my cheek. Poor Jungkook. I put both of my hands on his sides, hugging him. He strokes my hair as he repeats my name over and over, as if I am his talisman in the dark.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" My words are lower than a whisper. 

"No," he confesses. His chest is rising and falling slower than it was, but his breathing is still shallow. I don't want to push him to discuss what terror he has just dreamed. 

I don't ask him if he wants me to stay; somehow I know he does. When I lift up to turn the lamp off his body stills. 

"I was going to switch the light off, or do you want it on?" I ask him. Once he realizes my intentions he relaxes, letting me reach farther to the lamp. 

"Off, please," he begs. Once the room returns to darkness, I lay my head back on his chest. I would imagine lying this way, straddling his body would be difficult, but it is comforting to him and me both. Hearing his heart beat under the hard surface of his chest is calming, more calming than the patter of the rain on the roof. I would do anything, give anything, to be able to spend every night with Jungkook, to lie this way with him, to have his arms wrapped around me and his breathing slow in my ear. 

I wake up to Jungkook shifting below me. I am still lying on top of him, my knees astride him. I lift my head from where it rests on his chest and encounter his dazzling green eyes. In the light of day I am not sure if I am wanted the way I was last night. I can't read his expression, which leaves my nerves to take over. I move to climb off him, since my neck feels sore from sleeping on his hard chest, and I need to stretch my legs out anyway. 

"Good morning." He gives me a dimpled smile, soothing my fear. 

"Good morning." 

"Where are you going?" he asks. 

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