Chapter 59

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"Deal." I say to Namjoon's proposal of going on a date with him.

He takes my hand again. "All right then! Let's go back down." 

When we walk back downstairs, Jungkook and Molly are still on the couch, but Jungkook now has a drink and Molly has moved so her legs are draped over him from the side. When Jungkook's eyes dart down to where my hand is intertwined with Namjoon's, I jerk away without thinking, but then grab it again quickly. Jungkook clenches his jaw and I look away into the crowd of partyers. 

"How was it?" Molly smirks. 

"Fun," I answer and Namjoon stays quiet. I will thank him later for not correcting me. 

"It's Molly's turn," V announces as we sit back on the floor. 

"Truth or dare?" Jungkook asks her. 

"Dare, of course." 

And Jungkook looks right into my eyes and says, "I dare you to kiss me." 

My heart stops, literally. It stops beating; he is a bigger asshole than I ever imagined. My ears are swimming and my heart is pounding as Molly shoots a boastful glance my way before she latches herself to Jungkook. All the anger I feel toward Jungkook is washed away and replaced by hurt, all-consuming hurt and the feel of hot tears on my face. I can't watch anymore, I just can't. 

Within seconds, I'm on my feet and pushing through the drunk crowd. I hear Namjoon and Hoseok both call after me, but the room feels like it's spinning and when I close my eyes all I can see is Molly and Jungkook.

Knocking into people and not looking back, I finally reach the door and the fresh air outside fills my lungs and brings me back to reality. 

How could he be so cruel? I run down the stairs on the sidewalk. I have to get away from here. I wish I had never met him, I wish I had had a different roommate. I even wish I had never come to WCU. 

"Jimin!" I hear and I turn around, convinced I am imagining it until I see Jungkook running after me. 

I have never been very athletic, but my adrenaline is in full effect and I push my legs to go faster. I reach the end of the street, but begin to tire. Where the hell am I going to go? I don't remember the path that I walked back to my dorm last time, and I stupidly left my phone in my room. To prove a point about my independence from Jungkook. Jungkook, who's chasing me and yelling, "Jimin, stop!" 

And I do stop. I stop dead in my tracks. Why am I even running from him? He needs to explain why he keeps playing games with me. 

"What did Namjoon say to you?" 

What? When I turn around to face him, he is only a few feet away and has a shocked expression; he didn't actually expect I would stop. 

"What, Jungkook! What could you possibly want from me?" I scream. My heart is pounding from running, and from his breaking it. 

"I . . ." He seems to be at a loss for words for once. "Did Namjoon say something to you?" 

"No . . . why would he?" I take another step forward so I am face-to-face with him, my anger rolling off me in waves. 

"I'm sorry, okay?" he says quietly. He looks into my eyes and reaches his hand out to take mine, but I swat it away. He ignores my question about Namjoon but I am too mad to care. 

"You're sorry? You're sorry?" I repeat, my voice coming out in a laugh. 

"Yeah, I am." 

"Go to hell, Jungkook." I begin to walk away, but he grabs my arm again. My anger boils over and my hand flies up and smacks him, hard. I am as surprised by my own violence as he is, and I almost want to apologize for hitting him, but the pain he has caused me is so much more than a cuff on the cheek. 

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