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We worked tirelessly, day and night, until the day finally came.

"Zaila, you need to get up and get dressed.Its 3:45 and the show starts at 6."
"What the hell am I waking up at 3 for then?"I groaned as I tossed over to face the opposite side of my bed.
"So we can rehearse, dumbass."He pulled the covers off of me and stood there, waiting for me to get up.
"Now what if I was naked?"I asked as I sat up.
"You act like we not siblings, just hurry your ass up and get ready so we can rehearse."He pointed to the door and left.I shook my head and walked into my bathroom and to do my hygiene and get dressed. :

I wasn't really the type to wear revealing clothing if the occasion didn't call for it

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I wasn't really the type to wear revealing clothing if the occasion didn't call for it.I wasn't going there to impress anyone with my appearance.They were going to fall in love with my words and how I sang them........I hope.

"You look great, Zaila."Zion spun me around as I walked out of my room and down the stairs.
"Thank you, bro.You don't look half bad yourself."I returned the gesture.
"Why thank you, sis.I try, I try.But now, let's get down to business.You have to rehearse right here on the mini stage.Its now 4:13, we'll leave at 5:13 so you'll have a chance to do the dress rehearsal just like everyone else."I nodded at Zion.He would make a great manager in the future.

I placed my bag down and got on the stage to rehearse for an hour.I was sounding amazing the more I practiced and it was really boosting my confidence.

"Alright, it's 5:10, grab your things and load up the Range.I'll be out in a few minutes."Zion ran back to his room and I began to pack up my guitar and the rest of my things.My nerves began to rage as I finished loading up the truck.I sat in the passenger seat and waited for Zion.Within 2 minutes, he was out and in a hurry.

"Relax, Zi.I've practiced enough, its cool if I don't make it to the dress rehearsal."I laughed a little.
"I want you to have a chance to practice on that stage, it can be a bit intimidating on your first time."Zion said, reversing out of our garage.
"Okay, I hear you."I quietly sat in my seat until we got to the venue.We got out and Zion grabbed my things for me.We walked in and checked in with the people at the door.It was way bigger than I pictured in my head.My heart rate started to pick up as we walked up the stairs and towards the backstage.

"You okay, Zaila?"I looked at Zion and nodded my head vigorously.
"I'm perfectly fine.Let's hurry so I can practice on the stage."I picked up my pace and sped walked to the backstage.I removed my jacket and took my guitar out of its case and walked out onto the stage.The place looked like it could hold up to 10,000 people, I may be exaggerating a little.

I practiced the song that I chose.It was beautiful and it spoke volumes for me.I smiled at the thought of the many people that would be watching me.I disconnected my guitar from the cord and walked backstage.

"You sounded great, like usual."Zion hugged me as I walked backstage.
"Thanks, Zi.I'm not that nervous anymore."I said modestly.
"That's great.I looked at the lineup and you're last so you have time to breathe and practice some more if you need to."Zion said placing his hands on my shoulders.
"Okay, cool, cool."I breathed in and out.I heard an alarm go off and it was the signal that the show was about to begin.This is it.

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