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I avoided everyone for the rest of the week.Zion was the only person that I could kind of talk to and not make it obvious that something was wrong with me.

"Hey, Z."Zion came into my room with his basketball in his hands.
"Drake is throwing a party on Saturday.He really wants you to come."I looked up at him and back down at my laptop.
"I-I don't really feel like partying."
"Zaila, what is wrong with you? You've been avoiding everyone all week, Leon is worried sick about you and you barely even talk to me.Please tell me what's wrong and don't lie, either."I looked up at Zion.
"I went to the doctor and they diagnosed me with chronic depression.I would appreciate it if you didn't tell the boys until I feel comfortable enough for you to."He looked pretty embarrassed.I was nowhere near ready to tell him that I was pregnant so I lied.
"Damn, I didn't know.I'm sorry, Z."
"Its cool, bro.I'll go to the party on Saturday, don't tell the guys that I'm coming, though.I want to surprise them."He looked at me and bit his lip as he processed what I said.
"Alright, I won't.I'll let you get back to your work."I smiled at him as he exited my room.

I went online to find a loose dress to wear so it wouldn't be too obvious.I smiled at my finding and ordered it and waited for it to be at my front gate tomorrow morning.

✰ ✰ ✰

I opened the package and smiled down at the dress.The party starts at 8:30 and the time was currently 7:47.

I went into the bathroom and played my favorite song at the moment A Little While by Yellow Days as I began to apply my makeup.I finished and posed in the mirror.I laughed at myself and got up and went into my bedroom to remove my clothes.I looked at my full body mirror.My stomach was protruding out a little.I rubbed the little bump and smiled warmly.

"Mommy loves you already."I kissed my hand and placed it back on my belly.I turned to put my dress on and fixed it to my liking.I smiled in satisfaction and grabbed my last few things.

I smiled in satisfaction and grabbed my last few things

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"Yo, Z!You ready!?"I heard Zion yell.
"Yeah, I'm coming."I walked down the stairs and followed him out the door.

We pulled up to this really nice hotel.We both got out and walked hand in hand into the hotel.

Butterflies were flying all around in my stomach.

We went to the elevator and went up to the 31st floor.We exited the elevator and went up a flight of stairs to get to the roof.Zion opened the door and revealed the party.Everyone was drinking, laughing and having a great time.

I looked around until my eyes landed on the boys.Man, was I glad to see them, a part of me was scared to see them, as well.Zion lead me to the group and everyone immediately showered me in love.

"Zaila, we've been worried sick about you.Where have you been?"Drake said with empathy evident in his voice.I looked up at Zion and he smiled down at me.
"Just home, I needed some time off."I smiled at him in response.

Leon looked at me and got up to embrace me in a kiss.I missed him so much, but apart of me feels so guilty for not telling him about this.

"I got a surprise for you."Leon whispered into my ear causing me to furrow my eyebrows.He climbed on top of the table and fixed his clothes up.
"Can I have everyone's attention?Zaila, my life is wonderful because you're with me, you make me happy even if I feel sad and low.Your smile lightens up my life and all the darkness disappears.Your love has made me crazy.My eyes search for you when you're not around.My heart aches when I don't find you.You are the reason for all my happiness and without you; my life would be so dull.You are like a medicine to me.When I see you smiling, it gives relief to my pains.When I think of you, I understand the meaning of life.When you are with me, everything looks beautiful and I feel happy. You are the reason of my happiness. You are my first and last love.I love you so much, baby.Will you please marry me?"I nodded my head a million times before Leon got down off of the table and kissed me as he slid a beautiful ring onto my finger.

Will you please marry me?"I nodded my head a million times before Leon got down off of the table and kissed me as he slid a beautiful ring onto my finger

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I thought now would the perfect opportunity to tell him that I was pregnant.It was a beautiful moment so this would either make it or break it.

"I have a surprise for you, too."I caressed his face and stood on the table.I untied my belt and rubbed my belly as everyone slowly started to catch on.

"Oh my god, Zaila's pregnant!!Zaila's pregnant!!"I heard Lorie scream.I looked around at everyone as they screamed and cheered.Zion looked like he was going to cry.I poked my lip out and smiled down at him.I looked down at Leon and my smile faded away.He looked like he was processing all of this.I got down and looked up at him as I waited for him to say something.

"Are you really -"
"Yes, Leon.I'm really pregnant."He grabbed my face and kissed me deeply.He pulled away and picked me up bridal style and ran around everywhere,"I'M GONNA BE A DADDY!!!"I smiled at Leon as he screamed on top of his lungs.

"Thank you so much, baby."He kissed me after he said that.
"For what?"
"For everything.We're engaged and we got a baby on the way?This is officially the best day of my life."I smiled up at him as he placed me down and kissed me.

This was also the best day of my life.

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