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I left the house without Zion this morning.I needed to overcome this situation, this depression shit ends today.Since I was going to be acting like a badass today, I definitely had to look the part as well.I wore :

I pulled my shades into my hair as I entered the work building

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I pulled my shades into my hair as I entered the work building.

"Ooh, I love your dress, Zai!"Lorie complimented me.
"Thanks, mamas."I walked towards the elevator and went up the 24th floor.

The laughing that I heard fell silent as I approached the guys.I noticed that Leon and "Alexis" were there with them as well, but I didn't let them bother me.

"Hit me with a shot of Henny, Barry."I sat down on a bar stool as everyone watched me silently.I thanked him for my shot and turned around in my seat.

"What's up with y'all niggas?"They all began to laugh and say their various versions of 'hellos' to me.
"Its good to see that you're doing better, girl."Drake smiled down at me.
"Yeah, you can't let the bullshit get to you, you know?Oh, can I get my keys to my - new - studio so I can go record, please?"I put emphasis on the 'new', on purpose.I held my hand out and grinned at him.Drake dug into his sweatpants pocket and pulled out the key and dropped it into my hand.
"Thank you, baby.I'll see y'all later."I looked Drake up and down & walked towards the elevator.

I smirked to myself as I thought about the unique reactions that each of them would have.I was so proud of how I handled myself back there.I'm becoming stronger and stronger everyday.


Zaila looked good - real good, actually.I couldn't take my eyes off of her, but she didn't even look my way.She asked for her keys to her new studio and I furrowed my eyebrows.How is she just gonna up and leave our studio like that?And then to top all that off, she called Drake 'baby'?!What the fuck?!

"Aye, your girl just called D 'baby' & checked him out, broski.It looks like he stole your girl."Boi1da said causing everyone to laugh, including Alexis.I elbowed her and she stopped immediately.I walked away from them and towards the elevator.I wasn't gonna let this go on any longer.I needed Zaila back.


I was smoking and listening to this instrumental that I put together for my new duet song.I originally made it for Leon and I, but I was just going to have to find someone else to sing the male part.I was thinking I could call up my bro, Omarion, he would be perfect for this piece.

I heard loud banging on my glass door that lead into my studio.I turned to see Leon standing there.Apart of me wanted us to make up right now, but I also didn't want to forgive him for cheating on me again.

"Zaila, come and open this door.Please."I looked away and continued to smoke.I didn't want to talk to him right now,"You act like I can't just go and get the janitor to open up this door."I ignored him again.He walked away from my door and I sat back and exhaled the smoke into the air.I smirked and continued to listen to the instrumental.

About 15 minutes later, I saw Leon and the janitor of the building standing at my door, fiddling with the lock.I groaned as my heart began to race.I got up and went into the booth and locked myself in there.There wasn't a spare key for this door so I was good.I sat down on the stool and put the headphones on and continued to listen to the instrumental.

"Zaila."I acted as if I didn't hear my name being called.
"Zaila.I know you hear me calling you."I heard him through the intercom.I rolled my eyes and looked up at him,"Can we please talk?Grown up to grown up?"I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.I took the headphones off and placed them back on the stand.I walked out of the booth and kept my distance from him.I slowly looked up at him, he looked so remorseful, yet happy.I looked away and leaned against the wall with my arms crossed.

"Talk, nigga.I don't got all day."I blurted out.
"We're gonna have a conversation, I'm not talking to a wall."I fought the smirk that was trying to make its way onto my face.I missed his sarcasm,"Aight."
"Okay.I want to apologize for the club incident.I was at the bar and I was just minding my own business, drinking my Hennessy.This random girl comes up to me, trying to make some small talk.I'm not a mean guy so I spoke to her.I accidentally dropped my phone onto the ground so I went down to pick it up.I stood back up and drank the rest of my drink.I started to feel all woozy and shit, I knew that that situation wasn't going to end well.I blacked out and woke up in the private room with 3 broads.I thought I was dreaming or something, I was super out of it.I would never intentionally cheat on you again, I've already been through it once and I never want to go through it again.I'm sorry, Z."I looked at him and then down at my feet.So, Abel did have something to do with it.

"Before my brother killed Abel, he asked me if you cheated on me again.I was wondering how he even knew about that whole situation.I figured that he had something to do with it.I'm also sorry for embarrassing you on tour.I was thinking with my heart, instead of my head.I should have listened to you before I just assumed the worst."I stood still, posted up against the wall.Leon stood up from his chair and began to speak,"Its not your fault, babe.If the roles were reversed, I would have done the same thing, maybe even worse."I looked up at him and gave him a small smile.
"So - are we friends again?"I asked causing him to turn his face up.
"Girl, we more than friends.Get your fine ass over here and give daddy some sugar."I playfully rolled my eyes and went over to him.I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist.He kissed me more times than I could count.

"Wait, wait, wait, what about Alexis?"I pulled away from him slightly.
"Oh, she's my cousin."He smiled down at me as I went straight to a poker face.
"I'm sorry, baby.Come back!Zaila!"I walked out and started walking towards the elevator.
"No!"I started to walk faster towards the elevator.I was too slow because Leon picked me up before I could even touch the button.I started to laugh hysterically as I tried to get out of his grip.I missed him so much, man.I was glad that things were back to normal.

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