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We both pulled away at the same time.I smiled at him in satisfaction as he returned the gesture.

"You are so cute."I caressed his bottom lip with my thumb.He instantly started to blush,"Awww, little Leon is blushing."I teased him.
"Hush, girl.Wanna go inside and get fucked up?"He held out his hand for me to take.
"I would love to."I took it and walked by his side back into the party.

We entered the party and it was way more turnt than earlier.I saw Drake dancing with some strippers, Zion was dancing with some girl and everyone else was just having a great time.Leon and I made our way onto the floor and started to dance.

I was grinding on him to every song that played.I started to feel his member becoming a little excited.I'm not gonna lie, it was turning me on a bit; I just hid it.I turned around to face him as he looked at me with lust in his eyes.He was killing me with that look.The song switched to What You Need by The Weeknd.He leaned down and began to lightly kiss on my neck as we swayed to the music.Light moans began to escape my mouth as I ran my fingers through his hair.I was fully turned on at this point.He continued for what felt like hours, but it was just until the song was over.I felt his lips upturn into a smirk against my skin.He rose head again and we instantly started making out, I don't care who saw us.I wanted him and I'm pretty sure he wanted me.

"Zaila, sorry to interrupt, but Zion is throwing up and I think it's best if he goes home."I pulled away from Leon and rolled my eyes.I looked up at him with a disappointment expression.
"It's okay, baby.Go handle your business."I kissed him one last time and walked away.I could feel his eyes watching me, but I didn't mind.I walked into the men's bathroom and found Zion throwing up.Drake and the rest of the crew were standing there, watching over him.

"Zion, come on."Boi1da helped me get him up.Quentin handed me a bag and I thanked him.

We made it out to the car and I sat Zion in the passenger seat as I ran to the driver seat.

"Zion, what the hell, man?!You make me feel like I'm the older sibling sometimes."I said as I undressed him and sat him down in his tub.I started the warm water and let his body submerge in it.
"I'm sorry, Zai."I rolled my eyes and went to get the Goody's powder and 2 Motrin tablets for him to take to help with his throwing up and his on-coming headache.
"Here, take this."I handed him the medication and a glass of cold water.
"Thank you, Zaila.I'm sorry that I may have ruined your night.That wasn't my intention at all."He had remorse in his voice.
"It's okay, Zi.I'm just glad that you're okay."I leaned down and hugged him.I came back up and he had a confused look on his face.
"What's that your neck?"I returned the confused expression to him and went to the mirror.I had about 3 very dark hickeys on my neck.I rubbed them and that caused me to flinch.They were still a little tender.
"I-Its nothing, Zi.I burned myself with my flat iron earlier."I shrugged as I kept my hand on my neck.
"Hm, okay."He shrugged and closed his eyes and he relaxed in his tub.
"I'll be in my room if you need me."I exited his bathroom and went into my room.I changed into my night clothes and got on my phone.My phone froze and then my face popped up on the screen.

'leon.🪐💕 Would Like FaceTime...'

I immediately answered and made the goofiest face that I could.All I heard was Leon laughing on the other end.

"Damn, you ugly."I looked at him with a fake hurt expression.
"I wasn't gonna say anything about you, but - "I started to gag which caused us both to laugh.
"Shut up, how is your brother?"He asked as we died down.
"He's fine, he's in his tub right now."I shrugged.
"That's good, that's good."He said in satisfaction.
"Wait, look what you did to me."I remembered what Zion pointed out earlier and got up and went into my bathroom to show him my fresh hickeys.
"Aye, I did a good job."He smiled at me through the phone.
"Leon, nooo.Why did you make them so dark?I have to go out in public."I whined.
"You wasn't whining like that when I was giving them to you.And besides, I like marking my territory."He winked at me causing my heart to speed up.Even through FaceTime, he had this affect on me.
"Whatever, I have to go and help Zion out of the tub.I'll talk to you later, baby."I smiled at him.I've never really called him any pet names, but it felt good to.
"Alright, bye baby."And with that,I hung up.I wondered when we would start saying 'I love you'.I smiled at the thought and went back into Zion's bathroom.

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