xxviii. | a man who survived a walker bite

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"THEY'VE BEEN GONE AWHILE." Lori spoke, her hands on the bars. She was looking in every angle she could to try to look where they left in. She was very worried for all of them.

Ella stood next to her, her hand on Lori's back as Beth stood behind them. "They're fine, Lori. You need to rest, you're putting that baby at risk with all this worryin' and stress." she tried to move Lori by leading her away, but Lori wouldn't move. "Lori, come on."

Lori looked at Ella. "What if something happened?"

"They're gonna be fine." Beth spoke up, trying to peel Lori off the cell door as well.

Everyone was worried about the group that went out, but they had to be positive about things. They had to hope they just found supplies and they were stuffing bags full of those same supplies, or they found survivors and they were figuring out if they were trust worthy and safe to bring around every one else. The possibilities of what was going on were endless.

Ella was worried for Glenn most of all. He was dumb at times and he would do anything for a lot of people, so she was worried he risked his life for that chocolate bar she so badly wanted him to find her in that cafeteria. She knew Rick or anyone else really wouldn't let him do that, but knowing him, he would somehow find a way.

Ella glanced at Carl to help them take his mother to her cell to relax for a little bit until the group got back. Her eyes filled with the emotion of help and desperation.

Carl heaved a sigh and stood up, "Mom. Come on."

Lori stared at her son for a bit, before she gave up and decided to follow him to the cell she called hers and Carol's. She really needed the sleep, it had been such a long day already and she was so, so exhausted. Everyone was. But her exhaustion mattered more than anyone else's for she was carrying a child in the womb.

Ella lingered next to the cell door, holding onto the bars. She looked back at Beth. "I am wondering what's taking them so long. Do you think they're exploring the entire prison?" she questioned.

Beth slowly shook their head and walked next to Ella so she was standing next to Ella. "They ain't that dumb. Besides you need to stop worrying, Ella," she zoned out for a moment. "Let's talk about. . . hey! Once we clear the prison out enough to where we can go on supply runs, you wanna go together?" she asked.

"Beth, this doesn't sound like you. You hate going on runs. That's why we never have you go on them, or help us clear out like-" she began.

Beth cut her off. "I wanna try going on them again, but this time instead of going with my sister and being lectured every five minutes or tripping over things, I wanna go with you. We could find things for the nursery, the other cells, our cells. We could decorate out here." she confessed.

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