lxxiv. | who let the dogs out

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AFTER THAT NIGHT when Pete slit Reggie's throat open, then proceeded to be killed by Rick Grimes was the last thing Ella heard about that night

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AFTER THAT NIGHT when Pete slit Reggie's throat open, then proceeded to be killed by Rick Grimes was the last thing Ella heard about that night. No one could even tell her where Rick's friend, Morgan, came from because nobody else knew who he was other than a man who saved Rick's life when he walked out of that hospital and tried to talk to some dead man roaming the streets. She was perplexed. How did Morgan even know where to find them in the first place? Did Rick somehow find him when they were all split up and got split up from him as well? Morgan's name did ring a bell but she couldn't figure out from where and from when. Everything that happened within that time frame until right now was all a mix of unimaginable chaos.

Even now with all the walkers in front of them waiting to pounce on the sitting ducks was chaotic for her. Her heart felt like it was still while her body still functioned when she looked at all of the walkers sticking throug their arms through the cracks. Sometimes Ella needed some time to get a grip on things. The only time she never really needed to get a grip was when someone died because that was something everyone got a grip on. And for Ella, she absolutely got a grip on death after her beloved Amy died seconds before she arrived at camp after attempting to find Merle Dixon but to only find a sawn off arm.

"I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world," Rick shouted over the growls of the herd directly behind him. "We have to come for them before they come for us. It's that simple. This is where it all starts tomorrow. Tobin gets in the truck, opens the exit and we're off. He hops out, catches up with his team at red staying on the west side of the road. Daryl gets on his bike-"

The ground felt like it was shaking moments before they heard something moving. Bile collected itself in Ella's throat, waiting to come out. She slowly looked up to see the truck sliding off the cliff. She got a grip on her weapon, feeling the caress of Glenn's thumb over her knuckles. "You see that?" Sasha shouted over the rumbles. The ground beneath the semi-truck gave way, the truck going down with it and taking out only what was a pinch of walkers in the herd as big as the one they were looking at, the one they scouted out and stumbled upon by a slim chance, so the gratitude was high amongst everyone that the herd was found. Naturally, it was terrifying to stand so close to the herd.

"It's open!" Brandon shouted at Rick.

Ella remembered the night the problem came to them when Rick asked her if she was up for this, that she didn't have to help and she could stay at Alexandria to defend it if something went wrong. She could've told him she wasn't only because there was so many walkers and she didn't want to have to watch someone die or hear of someone dying. She just didn't. But the look in his eyes told her that she had to join in on this operation of theirs for the safety of all of Alexandria.

"We got to do this now!" Rick jumped down from one of the cars. "We're doing this now! Tobin's group, get moving, go!" he ordered.

"Rick, we're not ready!" a man called out to Rick. He was ignored when Rick yelled for Sasha and Abraham instead, with Abraham and Sasha heading off to their getaway car. "Rick!" he was ignored again.

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