lxxxvii. | the day will come when you won't be

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ELLA DIDN'T LEAVE Maggie's side

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ELLA DIDN'T LEAVE Maggie's side. She ended up giving her some pain medication that wouldn't harm the baby. . . hopefully. She didn't know much about medication and pregnancies, but Maggie did take it so it might have meant that it was okay. People came in and out the RV to put gear and supplies inside as they got ready to transport Maggie off to Hilltop. Ella prayed it wasn't the baby. Unfortunately, it was the baby with where the pain was hitting her. She heard Rick and Abraham arguing with Eugene about him coming along on the ride. She would feel better if Eugene could come, he could help very much so with comforting Maggie. Or at least she would think so.

Brandon came inside the RV and sat down on the ground next to Maggie, holding her hand. Ella scooted over a little to give the couple some room, but she didn't move that far in case she started feeling pain again. "Are you feeling a bit better now?" he asked.

Maggie shook her head. "I appreciate you asking," she groaned. "But no. I feel like shit. The meds are working a little, I can tolerate the pain, but I can't move without it feeling much worse. I think until we get to Hilltop, this is going to be a bumpy ride there."

He nodded. "Of course. Nothings ever easy. Just tell me when you need something, okay?"

"Okay." she whimpered.

Brandon kissed her hands. "And we'll give you medication every few hours until we arrive. Just try to stick it out the best you can. I know that's a lot to ask given. . ." he looked at her stomach. "But yeah."

"I know what you mean." she smiled.

The people who were coming with on the trip hopped inside the RV and without further hesitation, they were on the move. Gerard sat next to Ella, staring at Maggie. He felt bad that she had to go through this. At least she wasn't alone in this.


ELLA LAID IN the bed with Maggie per her request. People came in and out to check on her or to tell her she and the baby were going to be fine. Ella was basically her watch dog, or that's what it felt like for some reason. She dabbed up the sweat building up on Maggie's face with a rag to keep her cooled down. She had a really bad fever and it wasn't going away anytime soon. These were one of the many symptoms of a miscarriage. Ella didn't see any blood so far so that was a good sign. It could honestly just be a weird virus that her body wasn't able to fight off. If Hershel was here, he would know exactly what to do to help his little girl get through this fast. But he wasn't here.

Ella wished she could take Maggie's pain away and just burden herself with it instead. Maggie was just starting to finally be happy and now there was a chance she was going to lose her child the most awful you could lose a child other than having a stillborn baby, of course.

When Aaron left the room, Rick sat down in front of them. He tossed his gun on the couch adjacent to them. "Hey." he grinned.

"Hey." Maggie spoke, her voice was so tired and shaky.

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