lxxxv. | decapitation

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IT WAS MORNING when they came out of the Saviors headquarters, or maybe just one of their many facilities

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IT WAS MORNING when they came out of the Saviors headquarters, or maybe just one of their many facilities. They were all alive as far as Ella knew. She sat against a car to catch her breath. It had been a very long night. She was ready to just go back home and sleep this all off, forget this even happened, forget about how this was probably just one of their facilities where they operated things. She couldn't help but feel awful for what Glenn had to do earlier. He was forced to kill these poor, sleeping people despite he had never once killed someone before. She wondered how he was doing mentally, not physically, mentally. He bid his farewells to Heath, watching him go.

Her thoughts stopped when she heard an engine. Everyone turned to see a man trying to get away on a motorcycle. Rosita shot him down. Daryl ran over to him. He picked the man up and threw him hard into the ground, connecting his fist to the man's face. Rick walked over and aimed his gun at the man, about to pull the trigger when a voice came from the walkie. "Lower your gun, prick!" Ella walked closer to the Savior, him being the only one with the talking walkie.

Rick looked around. "You, with the Colt Python," there was a pause. "All of you, lower your weapons right now."

Rick crouched down and picked it up. "Come on out. Let's talk."

There was a longer pause before the lady spoke. "We're not coming out, but we will talk," Ella took in her surroundings, looking for a woman. "We've got a Carol, Maggie and a Brandon. I'm thinking that's something you want to chat about."

Of course. This was bound to happen. Maggie, Carol and Brandon had been taken hostage by some of the surviving Saviors. Ella's nerves got the best of her and she just threw up. All she could think about was that one of them had been decapitated like those people in those photos. Probably Brandon. He was the strongest of the two. She fell to her knees, not able to keep the bile rising in her throat down. She looked Rick in the eye, shaking her head at him as he held the walkie to his face. She knew this was going to happen. Someone was going to be hurt or killed. She fucking knew it.

"Now, we're going to work this out right now, and it's going to go our way." the lady spoke.

Rick ordered for Daryl and Glenn to grab the man. "You can see we have one of yours. We'll trade."

"I'm listening."

"First, I want to talk to all three of them, make sure they're alright."

Another long pause. "Rick, it's Carol. I'm-I'm fine, but-" the walkie cut off. "It's Brandon. . . I'm fine-" it cut off again. "Rick, it's Maggie. Every single one of us is okay. We'll figure this-Shut up. You have your proof. Let's talk."

Ella was extremely grateful to hear all of their voices. None of them were decapitated.

"This is the deal right here. Let 'em go, you can have your guy back and live." Rick negotiated.

"Three for one, that's not much of a trade." she chuckled.

"You don't have another choice or you would've done something about it already," Rick hissed. Ella rubbed her temple, breathing in and out so no more vomit would come out. "Look, I know you're talking it over. It's a fair trade. Just come out, we do this, we all walk away," he glanced at the building. "Do we have a deal?" he asked.

"I'll get back to you." she told him.

Ella was ready to pull her hair out when the lady said that. She stood up, sent Rick a glare then walked over to the car and sat inside of it. She stared at everyone on the open field, her hands gripped on the steering wheel. Rick was in her line of sight. One turn of the key and foot to gas and she could kill him right now and nothing like this would ever happen again unless they were provoked first. She had to sit back in her seat to not think that way. He did save all of their asses more times than she could count. Without him, they'd be dead. Most likely anyway.

Ella knew she would have been dead a long time ago if it wasn't for him.


GLENN GOT IN the car. He sat there in silence and he watched everyone get into other cars to leave. Ella, too, watched. "Where are they going? Is she taking the deal?" Ella asked him. "Or did she kill them, decapitated them like they did with the other hostages?" she asked him, finally looking him in the eye.

Glenn scoffed, rubbing his chin. "No, they're not dead. They're finding them. They'll find them."

Ella raised her eyebrows. "Hopefully in one piece." she sighed, about to turn the car on. "We should probably follow them to where they're going. We should help them get them all back and-"

He cut her off. "No. I saw stuff back in there. I think if that lady did kill our friends. . . we would see disturbing things. I don't want you to see it. I don't even want to describe to you and it's not decapitated heads. It's much, much worse than that, I think," Glenn looked at her. "Can we think about something else?" he asked. He turned as pale as ghost as if he relived a memory. Those photos he saw must've been sickening.

"Like what?"

"No," he paused. "How about we talk names for the baby? Ones we like?"

She nodded. "You first."

He smiled. "Boys. . . I would think Charlie-"

Ella laughed at him, shaking her head. "Okay, first of all, why Charlie? That's just so. . . random? I guess. I don't know. Charlie Rhee. It sounds nice but-"

"Don't cut me off," he wagged his finger. Ella shook her head. "Isaac. How about that. For girls, Grace sounds good. I can't think of anything else girl wise other than that."

She nodded. She thought about it a bit. She remembered her dream and they had a daughter named Taylor. She looked over at him. "Taylor. It can work both ways, girl or boy. But I think I might like Grace more."

He smiled. "Yeah? How about this, Grace for a girl and Taylor for a boy."

"Sounds amazing to me."

"Me too."

She smiled at him. She wished there was more tender moments like this just between her and Glenn. Hopefully, maybe, after this when they were home, they could actually make more memories with each other, more happier ones at least.

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