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"WE'RE NOT LEAVING!" Rick stated

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"WE'RE NOT LEAVING!" Rick stated. Ella sat on the stairs, loading bullets into her handgun. They had to leave, it wasn't safe for them here anymore. They should've left when they had the chance. . . and they still did have the chance, but since they waited, Axel died because of the Governor. All because of male dominance and pride.

Hershel was annoyed. "We have to leave!" he yelled at Rick for Hershel thought their beloved leader was making all the wrong choices in the heat of the moment. The Governor was their worst enemy and he was really putting their emotions and minds to the test, seeing who would break and off themselves by having or who would give up their plans.

Maggie strapped a pistol holster around her waist. "What if there's another sniper? A wood pallet won't stop one of those rounds." she elucidated.

"We can't even go outside!" Beth exclaimed. "Ella and I won't get to go on that supply run for the baby."

Ella groaned. "As if we could've gone out with my ribs anyway." Beth frowned, knowing she was right.

Carol was standing at the top of the stairs. "Bethy, we can still go out, just not in the daylight."

Beth nodded.

Glenn cocked his gun back. "Rick says we're not running, we're not running!" he shouted to make Rick's words clearer than the sky.

Merle, who'd been watching them load up on weapons or load bullets into their guns, hung his hands loosely over the cell door. "No, better to live like rats."

"You got a better idea?" Rick whipped his head. He wanted to see if Merle really thought there was a better way, they could take any idea and go with it if it was reasonable.

"Yeah, we should of slid out of here last night and lived to fight another day," he opened his arms. Ella looked at Rick. They tried to tell him that already. Too late now, she thought. "But we lost that window, didn't we?" he spoke. "I'm sure he's got scouts on every road out of this place by now."

Daryl walked down the landing of the second floor. "We ain't scared of that prick."

"Y'all should be," he took a moment to breathe. "That truck through the fence thing, that's just him ringing the doorbell. We might have some thick walls to hide behind, but he's got the guns and the numbers. If he takes the high ground around this place, shoot, he could just starve us out if he wanted to."

Ella's mouth went dry. Starve us out. . . he might as well just kill them in cold blood. Or they might as well let Jesus take the wheel and do it to themselves to not have to suffer for a few days without food.

Maggie tried to wring out a dry rag for she was nervous. "Let's put him in the other cell block." she suggested.

"No. He's got a point." Daryl told her.

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