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ELLA WALKED INTO HER ROOM. A smile twitched onto her lips. She was finally going to have her own room after months of sharing a tent with her father, she wouldn't have to share anything with anyone ever again.

She set her dufflebags down on her bed, before she walked into the small bathroom. She looked over the entirety of the bathroom with a huge grin on her face — there was a toilet, a mirror, towels and a shower. All of which looked like they hadn't been touched in so long, or maybe it hadn't been touched at all.

Ella looked at herself in the mirror, and her face completely dropped in surprise. She was much cleaner than she suspected, but then again they took bathes in the lake, so she more than likely wasn't as clean as she seemed to be.

Her fingers lowered down to the edge of her shirt and she yanked it off. Her hands pulled her pants and underwear down, before she unclipped her bra.

Ell turned the shower on, making sure it was hot. She hopped in and stood right underneath the water. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of it all.

This was something they wouldn't get again after today.

Ella looked down at the bracelet Amy made for her clinging to her wrist. She swallowed thickly, her eyes glued on the blood stained beads. She lifted her arm and scrubbed at the bracelet to get rid of the stained brown blood. After a few moments of scrubbing at it with water and soap, she finally got it off.

A few tears slipped past her dark eyes. She covered her mouth to stifle the sobs just so no one could hear her crying.

Ella pressed her back against the wall and slowly slid down it. She tucked her knees towards her chest and squeezed her eyes shut, a few strangled sobs climbing from her throat.

"I'm so sorry, Amy. . . you didn't deserve what you got," she cried. "And mom. . . God. . . I miss you." she wiped the tears from her eyes.

The Walsh girl didn't know when she'd see Amy or her mother again, but she had a feeling that it'd be sooner rather than later, and she'd be seeing Jim as well here pretty soon too even if they stayed here within the CDC walls.

She didn't know why she had that feeling, but she did. Because what if one day the dead killed them all, or what if they pissed Jenner off do much to the point he kicked them out and they immediately got devoured by walkers? The very thought made her skin crawl.

Ella grabbed the bottle of shampoo and squeezed a few drops on the palm of her hand. She massaged the shampoo into her scalp, still sitting on the floor of the bathtub. She rolled herself onto her knees and drenched the water on her hair, running hands through her hair to get rid of the shampoo lingering in her hair.

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