xlii. | thirty days down the drain

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WHILE EVERYONE DID their chores and their part outside, Ella and Glenn were inside simply sitting for they had just woken up and now they were hanging together before they did their chores for the day, the day that would probably be very long, and...

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WHILE EVERYONE DID their chores and their part outside, Ella and Glenn were inside simply sitting for they had just woken up and now they were hanging together before they did their chores for the day, the day that would probably be very long, and it were the exact same chores that were assigned to them by Rick, ones they did together only. Sometimes Brandon did it with them, but that only happened if he finished his own stuff.

Glenn brushed Ella's hair, his legs wrapped around her. He loved doing her hair for her. She loved it when he did her hair too. It was very relaxing to not have to do it yourself. Glenn was a sweetheart to be doing this for her. Sometimes he would attempt to pull her hair up into a ponytail, it never worked out, he couldn't get the shape right and the hair to not be bumpy at the top.

There were times when the people around them would whisper and ask another if Glenn and Ella were together. The answers were always the same, no one ever knew the truth. They weren't sure if Glenn and Ella were sure either. They were figuring out feelings still and trying to figure out how they could start a relationship. But soon, here very soon, those things would be figured out.

"I feel like you shouldn't go." Glenn spoke up, placing the brush down on the bed. He ran his fingers through her hair for any knots.

Ella stared at the painting hanging on the wall. "Oh?"


She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Why? All Beth and I are doing is grabbing some stuff for Judith. The moment we've grabbed them, we'll leave the store, Glenn. I promise." she whispered to him. There was no need to whisper, but she felt like people were listening. Like Bob for example.

"Yeah, I know, but you should stay behind. Maybe you should do the run another time," he paused, thinking of another excuse to get her to stay behind with everyone who wasn't going on this run to the store. The store was apparently overran, but there was tons of loot inside. Glenn wasn't worried about the loot, but there were tons of the undead that would and could kill. "I mean, you're still healing and-"

She cut him off after he mentioned the ribs that were broken a month ago. "Hershel said I was fine. They healed on their own," she turned around towards him, squeezing his hand into hers. "It's going to be fine, Glenn. I'm going to go. I haven't been out of the prison in months. Today is finally the day I can go out. We have the suits." she told him. She put her head on his shoulder. "Everything will work out."

He simply nodded, his hands snaking around her waist as he heaved a deep sigh. He was pretty frustrated with her being so adamant on going on this run. "Okay."


ELLA STRAYED BEHIND Glenn, Beth and Maggie. She stood next to Beth, her gun out in front of her. Her fingers ran over the rifles coat, feeling every dent and bump to the gun that it acquired after so long of being a rifle. It happened to every gun in this world. With all the falling and killing, it was probably more than what any war before this would've saw. It was expected.

When they got to the fence, they saw the courtyard was completely empty. There was no walker in sight. That meant survivors got here and emptied it out the best they could while also probably taking a bunch of supplies. It was totally fine though. Not like they were wanting to get here first.

Daryl hung his hand on the fence. "There was a bunch of walkers behind this chain-link keeping people out like a bunch of guard dogs." he pulled out his crossbow, eyeing the fence in front of him.

"That mean they're gone?" Tyreese questioned quietly, searching for some walkers.

Brandon laughed.

"Give a listen." Sasha told him.

Michonne whipped her head towards the young woman, narrowing her eyes. "You drew them out."

"Put a boombox out there three days ago."

"Only because of three car batteries I found in each car around this looting target." Brandon added in, pointing his finger at Sasha who only rolled her eyes when he mentioned that. 

Ella smiled.

Daryl stepped through the fence. "Let's make a sweep. Make sure it's safe, grab what you can. We'll come back tomorrow with more people." he told everyone.

Ella drew her eyebrows together. "What's the point? We're here now." she shrugged.

"It's too dangerous. Anything bad could happen."

"It's more dangerous when there's a whole group of ten plus people."

Daryl didn't answer her. He just kept on walking across the parking lot. He thought she was suicidal.

Ella sighed. She walked over to one of the million tents lined up in the store's parking lot. She peeked inside one of them. It was totally littered — papers, pens and pencils, flipped over furniture, and notebooks were scattering the floor of the tent. Even the radio was left a tangled mess. They left in a hurry, Ella thought. It would be expected if these people experienced an outbreak before half their people, if not all, turned into walkers.

Ella walked further into the tent, her gun drawn. She came across a teddy bear, covered in dried blood. Slowly, she picked it up and examined it. Her eyes widening as she continued looking at the stuffed animal that once belonged to a wholesome child. It reminded her of Sophia, that girl carried her animal around everywhere as all children did.

Whoever it belonged to was dead.

"Judith is going to be so happy when we come back with stuff for her." a voice spoke up, footsteps bouncing behind Ella.

Ella slightly jumped. "Yeah. . ." she turned her head. It was Beth. "Yeah. She will be."

A few moments passed.

"You know, I'm really glad you guys let me come along. I've been waiting for forever to go on this run. . . it's been long overdue. I hope we find so much." Beth smiled with so much brightness it hurt Ella a little bit.

Ella was pretty excited to finally begin decorating Judith's cell. It was too bland compared to other cells. Ella wasn't able to really go on runs until today. Beth could've gone on a few, but she didn't want to leave Ella behind on all the fun.

"I'm glad, too." Ella smiled, reaching her hand out to Beth. Beth took it and they squeezed each other's hands.

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