xxxi. | little ass-kicker

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ELLA HESITANTLY GAVE the baby over to Hershel, her eyes glued to the baby

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ELLA HESITANTLY GAVE the baby over to Hershel, her eyes glued to the baby. He had to make sure the baby was fine and that Ella didn't harm the baby in some kind of way when she killed Lori before the baby was even out. He didn't think she did for the baby was still alive and kicking. It was just a safety precaution.

Ella rubbed her red eyes. They stung from all of the heavy crying she done today. Her nose was a little runny. And her heart was hurting. It felt like this was a nightmare she couldn't wake up from. She prayed it would get better today, or tomorrow would be better.

"The goods news is she looks healthy," Hershel announced with a smile, it fell soon after that. "But she needs formula and soon or she will not survive."

Ella widened her eyes.

"No," Daryl spoke up. "No way. Not her. We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run."

Maggie nodded. "I'll back you up."

The pair walked away for a moment and spoke to each other in low voices, then they moved to Daryl's motorcycle once they were done talking to each other and left the prison in search for formula for the motherless little baby girl.

Ella let out a sigh and turned around, rubbing her arms. She looked up right as Rick headed back into the cell block Lori died in. Ella wanted to stop him, but she physically couldn't move from where she stood.

He would get himself killed, but he might not get himself killed.


ELLA WAS OUT with Glenn digging graves up for the ones they lost. She didn't speak one word to him, all she wanted was silence. She knew Glenn would give that to her. He wouldn't try to make idle conversation unless she spoke first. That was why she was out here, it was to get away from everyone else and not have to deal with the aftermath of what happened.

She glanced back and saw the two prisoners who'd been surviving here head on towards them. Ella glared at them, then looked away and continued to dig the grave up. Six feet deep, she thought to herself. That was what the length had to be, the width just had to be able to fit an entire body inside.

Glenn hopped out of his grave. He dropped the shovel on the ground. "How's the perimeter look?" he asked the two men.

Axel pointed at the fence. "We got the walkers spread out. Need help?"

Ella sent Axel a look, one that made it seem like she wanted to kill him for interrupting her peaceful state of mind. Glenn looked back at Ella. He shook his head. "We don't want the conversation. Just go."

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