xxxv. | kill the governor

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GLENN WAS MARKING spots with a piece of white chalk on a map of the prison

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GLENN WAS MARKING spots with a piece of white chalk on a map of the prison. He wanted to fix the area where Tyreese and his group got in for they couldn't let that happen again. If the Governor found it. . . he would be able to kill every single one of them, including the baby, and take the prison for himself. He would succeed, too, for it would catch them by surprise.

Ella was folding clothes after Beth, Carl and Maggie just washed them and dried them. She put them in their sorted piles to give them back to whom they belonged to. Ella didn't like this wheelchair. It seemed to her that she was mocking the real cripples in this world by using it for her injuries. But she wasn't, it was what she had to do in order to heal and she was perfectly fine with it.

She couldn't wait until she could be up and walking around on her own again. She realized how Hershel felt. It wasn't the same at all, but she had an idea of what it was like. To not be able to actually walk for awhile. But he also lost his leg so for him it was permanent until it was temporary, which meant he would have to deal with the loss of his leg until he was dead.

Ella wondered if he would of old age, nothing unnatural.

She hoped it would be of old age. 

"You said this is the spot where you found Tyreese and his people?" Glenn inquired, pointing at the hand drawn map.

Carl nodded.

"We secured this." he whispered in disbelief.

Carl sighed. "He thought he came through here."

"Means there's another breach," he rubbed his head. Ella blinked once. "Okay. . . the whole front of the prison is unsecure. If walkers just strolled in, then it's gonna be cake for a group of armed men."

Beth held the baby, Judith, in her arms. "Why are we even so sure he's going to attack?" she asked. She looked to Ella, Maggie and Glenn the most for they were held hostage by these people. Which meant they had somewhat or an idea of how they took action. "Maybe you scared him off." she shrugged.

"He had fish tanks full of heads," Michonne spoke up. Everyone turned their heads to her. "Walkers and humans. Trophies. He's coming." she declared.

Glenn got scared. "We should hit him now."

Beth widened her eyes. "What?!"

"He won't be expecting it," Glenn told her. Ella frowned, it would be pretty dumb to go after him with everyone so disorganized and beat. "We'll sneak back in and put a bullet in his head."

"We're not assassins." Carol interjected.

Ella set another piece of clothing on the table in a pile. "Wouldn't his people demand for justice? They would kill us twice as fast and twice as hard. They're a bigger group. . . it-it's a whole community of people!" she reminded.

Glenn sighed and stood up. He ignored Ella's statement. "You know where his apartment is. You and I could end this tonight," he told her. Michonne sighed. "I'll do it myself."

After a moment of hesitation, she nodded.

"Okay." he nodded.

"He didn't know you were coming last time and look what happened. You were almost killed. Daryl was captured. Ella has broken bones. Then you, Maggie and Ella were almost executed."

Glenn balled his fists. "You can't stop me."

Ella scoffed.

"Rick would never allow this."

"You really think he's in any position to make that choice?" he asked.

"Think this through clearly. T-Dog lost his life here. Lori, too. The men that were here. It isn't worth anymore killing," he paused as Glenn was getting angry. "What are we waiting for? If he's really on his way, we should be out of here by now."

"And go where?"

"We lived on the road all winter."

"Back when we had two legs, Ella could walk without worrying about her lungs puncturing, and we didn't have a baby crying for walkers every four hours." Glenn reminded.

Hershel shook his head. "We can't stay here."

"We can't run." Glenn hissed. He looked over to Ella who scoffed and rolled away in her wheelchair. Maggie followed her to make sure she moved around correctly. Glenn's face softened once she left.

Ella thought Glenn was in no position to be making the calls. No one was. Not until everyone was able to fight.


ELLA AND MAGGIE were in her cell as they heard Glenn making the calls to go look at where Tyreese and his people got in. It was so stupid to even look. Either way, they Governor would be making his way inside and killing them all when they would least expect it. He was smart, not dumb. The Governor knew how to use the element of surprise, that was for sure.

Glenn didn't know one thing. None of them did.

"Maggie?" Ella called out.

Maggie turned around from the dresser. "Yeah?"

"How are we going to defend this place if half of us can't even function properly?" she questioned as she laid in her bed, all tucked in nice to be comfortable without breaking her ribs.

Maggie sighed and walked over to the bed, her hand touching the metallic bed frame. "Well. . . we give them all we got. If that isn't enough. . . I hope he'll accept our surrender once we realize we're losing this fight." she whispered.

Ella went to sit up, but she winced once she remembered her ribs were very broken right now. Maggie opened her mouth as she sat down on the bed and helped Ella lay back down. "Maggie, please, we have to convince Glenn to get us out of here."


"Please!" Ella begged. "It's the only thing I have ever asked of you to do. If we could, If I were in charge, I would make us run out of this place and never look back," she paused, grabbing Maggie's hand. "Together." she whispered.

Maggie nodded. "I'll try."

Ella smiled. "Thank you."

"Of course."

Ella opened her arms. Maggie smiled and softly laid down on Ella with her arms sprawled out across Ella's chest. Ella laid her arms on Maggie, holding her tight to her chest. Maggie grabbed a fistful of Ella's shirt as she closed her eyes.

"I love you." Ella whispered to her.

"I love you." Maggie whispered back.

Times like these were fearful.

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