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HILLTOP DIDN'T LOOK all that grand

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HILLTOP DIDN'T LOOK all that grand. It had everything a community would need to survive from the looks of the place, it seemed not that much different from Alexandria. The only difference was that they just simply had different people who had careers in very different things from before the outbreak happened. That might've been why they were so "advanced" or however Jesus put it to make his friends seem cool to the strangers he met not that long ago. Ella was expecting so much more to Hilltop. She was expecting it to be bigger, more people, food growing everywhere, a better system maybe, etc. She shouldn't have had such high expectations but who could blame her for it when Jesus (the weirdest name to actually have in real life) excessively boasted Hilltop.

If the clinic wasn't a huge get up, Ella would lose all trust in anyone who mentioned something being pretty cool because in reality they were over exaggerating. Probably one of the only times someone showed her something they said was cool and it in fact was cool was when her parents took her to Texas to swim in the ocean there. Anytime she saw something would move in the water, like a rock showing up after a wave hit it or just a wave in general, she thought it was a shark and would run away as fast as she could before it could get her. A random girl ended up calling her stupid for that but Ella had lots of fun on that cool day with her parents. She wished they had stayed there longer.

Jesus's voice boomed ever so loudly as he spun on his heels to Rick. He was mostly always speaking to Rick. Ella could tell he desperately wanted Rick's approval. "There was a material yard for a power company nearby. That's how we're put up the walls," he mentioned. Ella gazed up at the walls. From all her criticism, she totally forgot about how high and sturdy those walls were. It must have taken loads of work to get them up with walkers coming through and all. "A lot of people came from a FEMA camp. Trailers came with them."

"How did people find out about this place?" Michonne asked him. Ella wondered the same. They must've used a radio to get in contact with other survivors, right? What else would they have used?

Jesus stopped in front of the mansion. "That's called Barrington House. The family that owned it gave it to the state in the thirties. The state turned it into a living history museum. Every elementary school for fifty miles used to come here for field trips. The place was running a long time before the modern world built up around it. I think people came here because they figured it'd keep running after the modern world broke down," he pointed up. "Those windows let us see for miles in every direction. It's perfect for security," he seemed very proud. Ella still wasn't pleased. She felt they were missing something here to make it feel cool. "Come on. I'll show you inside."

Ella rolled her eyes. She noticed Brandon rolling his eyes as well. She caught his eye and raised her eyebrows with the look of annoyance on her face. He smiled at that. Following everyone inside the house, Ella was fascinated by it. It reminded her of the old Victorian times. . . and that made "sense" since this was built around that time. It was totally an old person house though (if someone were to ever live here it'd be the elderly). Ella laced her hand through Glenn's as he looked around the foyer.

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