Chapter 5

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Gabby's POV

I rushed out of the ambo, just in time to see Erin cough up blood for the second time. I knelt down beside Erin as I took things out of the paramedic bag. "Hey Erin. Stay with me. You are going to be okay." I saw Shay bring the stretcher out of the ambo. "Jay, can you help me put Erin on it?" I asked. He nodded and both of us quickly put her on the stretcher, making sure not to hurt her.

I turned her over to see if the bullet went through and through. "Damn it!" I mumbled as I failed to find an exit wound. "What? What is it?" I heard Jay ask. I quickly explained, "The bullet is still penetrating. We need to get her to Med quick before the bullet hits any major organs or blood vessels, causing major complications. Jay, you can come with us."

Immediately, we loaded Erin into the back of the ambulance as I started to work on her. Shay started to drive off as soon as Jay hopped in the back with us and the doors were closed. I took her blood pressure, listening closely to her heart and lungs, and knew things weren't going right. "She has lost too much blood," I said softly.

Erin's POV

I heard Gabby and Shay running towards us as they started to check on me. I hated this. I feel like a doll, an object. I wish they'd just leave me alone. I felt my eyes grow heavier by the minute, making it increasingly difficult to stay awake. I felt Jay by my side, holding my hand tight, not letting go, even as Gabby and Shay moved me to the stretcher, then the ambo. I turned to look at Jay as I slowly felt myself being drawn to sleep. "Jay.. I.. I love you.." I said softly. I saw Jay wanting to interrupt but I stopped him. I continued, "I'm sorry.. You'd be.. be better off without me.. Find some.. someone who can ac.. actually be there for you.. Take care of you.. Someone who.. who isn't a mess.. A piece of trash.. You de.. deserve better.. Take.. take care of Hank for me.. I'm okay.. I.. I love you.. " I heard him say "I love you" back right before I closed my eyes. 


I'd like to thank all of you guys for reading and for voting. The story is doing really well in rankings and it wouldn't be possible without all of you guys, so thank you so much! I really appreciate it. 

Instagram: @linstead_love

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