Chapter 53

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Erin's POV
About a month has passed since my kidnapping. I'm back on desk duty and I feel a lot better to say the least. The bruising, scars, cuts, black eyes, or any signs that I was beat up have pretty much faded, and any fractured bones are almost completely healed. My shoulder feels a lot better too. Though it has not completely healed and I still have to go to physical therapy every week, it no longer hurts badly.

Jay has been amazing, just like usual. The night he surprised me, we ate a nice dinner and watched friends, just like old days. Then we spent the entire night talking, having an open conversation about how each of us are feeling. From me being kidnapped and talking about Nadia's death for the first time, to how Jay was doing and dealing with things, and everything in between. He's stayed with me since I got out of the hospital despite me telling him that I can manage on my own, not that I'm complaining about his company.

"Jayyyy! Babeee," I whined, laying down on the couch next to him.

"What?" he chuckled, putting his phone away and looking at me.

"I'm boredddd," I looked up at him, pouting.

"What do you wanna do then?" he questioned.

"I don't know. I don't wanna spend my Saturday doing nothing," I complained.

"Do you wanna go out or stay in?" he asked, gently lifting my head up and laying it down on his lap.

I shrugged. "I really can't help much if you don't know," he chuckled once more, running his hand through his hair.

"You know what you can do? Move in with me," I said, looking at him straight in the eye, indicating that I'm serious.

"What? Erin, I can't," Jay replied, slightly taken aback by my abrupt request and question.

"Why not? Jay, you've practically lived here the past month. You only stopped by your place to get more clothes. There's no point in keeping your place if you aren't gonna spend time there," I explained.

I could see Jay's mind spinning, as if he's thinking about it and considering it. A few minutes of silence later, he nodded, looked down at me and smiled, "Okay."

I smiled, happy that we're both building the trust back and that we're taking a step forward in our relationship.
Watch this get progressively worst cuz I'm losing motivation 😩

Edit: @linstead_love
Fanfic: @linsteadlove.ff

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