Chapter 22

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Erin's POV

A couple of hours quickly flew by and soon, it was already evening. I was still in the same position on the floor. The only difference was that my eyes were more red and puffy, and more beer bottles around me. I glanced at the time, deciding that I needed some form of release. Quickly, I got up, got ready, grabbed my wallet and phone, and made an impromptu decision to go out.

Calling an Uber since I'm unable to drive due to my sling, I headed towards a bar on the outskirts of Chicago. This bar was one that I'm very familiar with. It was from when I was younger, where my "street" friends and I would go to. And I'd sometimes still go there to catch up with my old friends (don't tell Hank or he'd kill me). It was my safe haven if you will. To me, that place is a judgment-free zone, where I could just let loose and completely be myself, and whilst enjoying the presence of my old friends.

When I arrived at the bar, I walked in and scanned the room, immediately spotting my old friends. They were at our usual area. I approached them, giving them a smile and a wave when they noticed me. A lot of them were clearly already high and/or drunk. "Well, well. If it isn't Erin," Claire hollered, "We were wondering when we'd see you again."

"Yup it's me. And I'm here to party and have some fun," I smirked and sat down on the couch, noticing the drugs and drinks laid out on the table in front of us.

"Then what are you waiting for? We've just scored some C earlier today and they are really good. They are so pure," Claire stated, motioning to the table.

"Good to know. Just what I need," I approved. I leaned forward and snorted the substance, immediately feeling the sensation. The euphoric feeling took over, and I felt free. I took some shots, getting into the groove of the music, friends, and atmosphere. I realized that I missed this. I never thought I'd miss my street life, but maybe I do. I had fewer things to worry about, fewer things to care about. I miss partying with my street friends.

As time passed, I continued taking shots and snorting, drowning out the physical and mental pain, gladly opening the feeling of euphoria with open arms.


Will Erin get better? Will she be able to bounce back from this? Is this the end for Linstead? Is Erin gonna continue digging this hole? Are Hank and Jay giving up on her? Is she going back to her old ways? So many questions... 

Thank you for reading. I really appreciate it :)

Instagram: @linstead_love

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