Chapter 32

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Erin's POV
My head was in the clouds as I walked to Jay's place, thinking about what I wanted to say and rehearsing it over and over again, essentially writing my speech in my head. "Okay Erin. First, you apologize. Say you're sorry for pushing him away, basically for being a bitch. Then you tell him how you have been truly feeling, from Nadia, to getting shot, to relapsing, and everything in between. Oh, and explain why you allowed yourself to relapse and why you turned to drugs and alcohol instead of talking to him and letting him help you. And he probably has questions about Logan, so explain who Logan is as well. Clear things up and assure him that you didn't sleep with Logan. Then finally, you apologize again, let him ask questions and answer him. Honestly. No more running away Erin," I thought to myself.

I snapped out of my thoughts, looked around to see where I was and realized that I was only halfway to his place. After everything I have put him through, a simple apology is not enough. I had to make it up to him. Before this entire debacle happened, Jay and I would hang out every Friday night at my place because he claims that my place was bigger and better. We would order Chinese takeout, and eat while binge watching Friends. We'd always fight over which episode to watch as we could never agree. But somehow, we have managed to not kill each other and would always manage to compromise, either by watching his suggestion first then mine and alternate, or vice versa. We would always rant about the episode we are watching. It was just so light hearted and fun, and I'd always be laughing, both from the episodes and Jay's snarky commentary. It was something we did even before we started dating just as a way to bond as partners and friends, and I'm glad we did it. It became our tradition if you will. Oftentimes, we'd lose track of time and end up watching way too many episodes that he ends up staying the night. If I was being honest with myself, I miss those nights. I'd always look forward to our Friday nights. It was a time where I could just relax and forget all my worries for the night. As I reminisced, I decided to stop by our favorite Chinese restaurant and bring some food over to his place. Jay will never refuse food, no matter how late it is.

After I bought the Chinese takeout, I continued walking to his place. But the atmosphere suddenly felt off for whatever reason. It felt uncomfortable, eerie even. My senses perked up as my intuition told me that something was off, but I don't know what. The busy streets of Chicago suddenly felt lonely and quiet, the sound of cars honking sounded muffled, and the bright street lamps that illuminate the roads looked dim. The air felt still and dense. I wrapped my jacket around me tighter and looked around, taking in every bit of detail. To any ordinary person, the roads may seem normal, but my detective senses noticed some suspicious activity. The guy across the street had been walking parallel to me for the past 10 minutes since I left the restaurant, and the guy behind me was overly friendly, offering to help people carry their bags or even opening their car door for them. As I fiddled around with my jacket to grab my phone out of my pocket, I suddenly felt a cold, metal rod hit the back of my head. As I instinctively swung my elbow back to whoever was behind me, I got pulled into a narrow alley. And the two suspicious men suddenly disappeared. I felt somebody wrap their arm around my neck and put a black cloth over my nose and mouth before everything went pitch black.
SKRT PLOT TWIST 👀 Please don't kill me. I promise it will get better :)

Also, I had the worst writer's block while writing this, and this is probably the worst chapter I have wrote so far. But oh wellll.. I hope you guys still enjoy it

Thank you for reading!

Instagram: @linstead_love

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