Chapter 20

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Jay's POV

"Why are you packing? You know you can't leave just yet. You still need the medical attention and need time to heal," I questioned.

"I can heal better outside the hospital, at home," she replied, obviously annoyed.

"What about the medical attention that you need?" I tried to reason with her.

She let out a long sigh. "I have argued with Connor just before you got here and I really don't want to be arguing with another person this early in the morning. They can't keep me here against my own will, I know my rights. And neither you or Hank can keep me here either. I have no family relation to either of you and I am mentally sane, am in the right state of mind to make decisions for myself. I have signed the AMA (Against Medical Advice) form, and he has told me everything I need to know before leaving. Nothing is going to stop me from leaving. I have made up my mind," she stated flatly, but I could tell that she was trying hard not to lose her temper with me.

"And what are the things he told you?" I raised my eyebrows.

"It's none of your business," she snapped.

"None of my business? Yes it is. I am your partner and your boyfriend. I think I deserve the right to know," I raised my voice, slowly losing control of my temper.

"And so what? Just because you are my boyfriend and partner, you think it gives you the right to know everything about me? I don't think so. I am an individual that deserves to keep whatever I want to myself," she said in a curt manner.

"Erin. I have been nothing but supportive of you this entire time. I have repeatedly tried to help you and be there for you, yet all you do is push me away, build this wall between us. I don't know what else to do. You have been lying to me for weeks now, you think I don't know that? First, you tell me you have been sleeping and eating well whenever I ask you because I was concerned about you, but it's obvious that you haven't been eating or sleeping well since Nadia's death. Then you keep saying no whenever I ask to come over, claiming you were tired and wanted to rest. But now I know why. I know the real reason you don't want me over. You have been using, for who knows how long. You wanted to hide those drugs. And I get that you want some space, some alone time, and I respect that, however, I do not appreciate being lied to, not to my face or behind my back. Frankly, I don't appreciate the way I have been treated this past few weeks," I lashed out, immediately regretting it once I saw the glimpse of hurt in her eyes.

"Fine. Then leave. We are done. You never have to see me again," she spat.

I took a deep breath, getting myself to calm down a bit. "I didn't mean it that way. I'm sor-," trying to apologize, but I got interrupted before I could finish my apology.

"I said leave! Now! We are over," she stated firmly.


I'm sorry for what I did. I promise it will get better.

Instagram: @linstead_love

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