Chapter 28

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Jay's POV
"No! I'm not leaving and definitely am not going to stay with you," Erin rebutted.

"Then it's your choice. You either leave with me, NOW, or I arrest Landon for drug possession," Hank replied, taking his handcuffs, holding Landon's hand behind his back, getting ready to cuff him.

"Fine. I'll go with you. Don't arrest him," she scoffed and stated firmly, almost immediately without hesitation, but obviously unhappy and annoyed.

With that, Hank let him go, whispering something in his ear. Landon just looked at Erin, and so did she. She walked to Landon and mumbled something incoherent before grabbing all her belongings and stumbling out of the apartment, Hank and I following beside her, supporting her as she couldn't walk properly and tripped over her own feet several times.

Once we made that short journey from the apartment to the car, we drove to Hank's house. I had decided to sit at the backseat with her in case something happened. Sure, I was mad at her for letting herself relapse badly, for going back to her old ways, for seeking comfort in something that had a dangerous effect on her health and could've killed her, for turning to substances instead of letting people in, for shutting me out, yet again... and so many more. There were a thousand reasons why I was disappointed and mad at her. But at the end of the day, she is Erin Lindsay. She is my partner and the love of my life. I couldn't stay mad at her. I wouldn't give up on her. I refuse to. I may have been tough on her and gave her the cold shoulder back in the apartment, but that was just my mechanism of hiding the fear that was building inside me. I almost lost her. Again. The second time within weeks. And for a second, I thought I did.

I suddenly felt a dead weight on my lap, pulling me out of my train of thoughts. I looked down to see that Erin had fallen asleep again. A small smile tugged on my lips. Even though the sober and awake Erin wouldn't have done this right now because of the fact that she broke up with me, knowing that her subconscious self found the slightest bit of comfort from me, just gave me that slight warmth and hope that we'll be okay. 

When we arrived at Hank's, I scooped her up gently, carried her bridal style and followed Hank as he showed me the way to her room. I laid her down on the bed gently, tucked her in. Aside from the fact that she smelt like booze and drugs, she still looked so gorgeous. The most beautiful girl to me. She looked so peaceful lying there, like Sleeping Beauty. It was as if all her worries and grief had disappeared for a second, at least until she woke up. I looked at the door to make sure that Hank wasn't there before I bent and whispered in her ear, "Please don't do this to yourself Erin. You are so strong. You can overcome this, just do it the right way. You have come so far in life and for you to just let yourself fall back, is not worth it. I am here for you, no matter what."

With that, I walked towards the door, looked at her one last time before leaving the room and closing the door behind me quietly.
I thought I'd give you guys a lil Linstead scenes after all the previous chapters 😂

Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter cuz I wrote it at like 2am 😂 tell me what you guys think of it. Feel free to leave comments and DM me on my instagram 😊

Thank you for reading!

Instagram: @linstead_love

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