Chapter 48

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Erin's POV
"So yeah... Hank and Al's unit bursted through the doors. They arrested all of us," I whispered, looking down at my hands.

"What happened afterwards?" Jay asked softly.

I looked up to meet his eyes, expecting to see disgust or resentment or judgement but instead saw sympathy, caring and understanding. I took a deep breath, only to wince at the sharp pain that pierced through my chest. "Are you okay? Easy Erin," Jay said with a look of concern and was instantly on his feet to help me.

"I'm fine," placing my hand under my ribs to try to ease the pain. "The guy got beaten up pretty badly, was rushed to the hospital but unfortunately died. Hank managed to drop my charges to simple battery but the others got charged with various forms of murder and manslaughter. I'm not sure of the specific charges but I'm guessing none of them got charged with first degree murder or they would've been still in prison now," I explained, staring at the white wall infront me, as if painting a horrific picture with my words.

"What happened to you afterwards? Did Hank take you in?" Jay questioned curiously.

"No, this was a little more than a year before he took me in. After that incident, I became Hank's CI, you saw my file. And as I said, I was charged with simple battery, so they made me do community service and put me on probation. Then I met Charlie and ran with his crew," I looked at him.

"And what happened to them? Why did they come back for you now? We found out one of them got beaten up, raped and murdered in prison," Jay stated.

"I just found that out too. I don't know the specifics but they all went to prison, obviously. Apparently two of them got murdered, Vanessa and James. I didn't know, I broke contact immediately afterwards. They told me when they held me captive. So I guess the three of them, Jason, Juan and Noah, kidnapped me for revenge. And I'm guessing they were probably just released from prison. It isn't hard to find the snitch in the group, especially when the snitch got the lowest charge out of the crew, and a significantly lower charge as well. I mean, they have motive for what they did to me. I snitched, then because of it, two got killed in prison. I think it's self explanatory why they did it," I dropped my gaze from his eyes to my hand, picking at the tape that held my IV needle in place.

"You did the right thing Erin, calling Hank. I know it probably doesn't give you consolidation but I just want you to try to remember that. If you hadn't called him, who knows what could've happened. You did what was morally right," he tried comforting me, taking my hand in his.

All I did was shrug. I was pretty surprised that I shared all of this with him. I have never spoken about this part of my life before as it had been something I have pushed away and buried for years. But after everything I had put him through over the course of the past month or so, he deserved it. And I vowed to myself that I'd never push him away again or hide things from him. Well, try to at least.

Just as I thought he was done questioning me, he asked me another question. "Erin, I have to ask you this though. Did they rape you?" he looked right into my eyes, trying to gauge my reaction.

I was slightly taken aback. A few minutes of silence passed before I began answering his question. "They-" I started, only to be interrupted by Hank coming into the room.
So now you guys know what happened in 1999 😊 pls feel free to ask me question if there's something that's unclear. And also, please feel free to DM on instagram if you have any feedback, suggestions or just wanna talk :)

@linstead_love (editing)
@linsteadloves.ff (fanfic)

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