Chapter 49

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Erin's POV
I saw annoyance take over Jay's face before I turned my attention to Hank. "How are you feeling kiddo?"

"Could be better..." I replied flatly.

Hank just nodded and informed Jay and I that Jason, Juan and Noah have been found and arrested, and reassured me that they'll never see the light of day again. Relief washed over me immediately, glad that maybe this part of my past can be placed behind me for good now.

We chatted for a bit, having a more light-hearted conversation before Hank's face suddenly became more serious. "Erin, what happened in there?"

"Hank..." I relented but all I got was a stare down from the two guys in my life.

I let out a long sigh before I started explaining. "Hit me, beat me, kick me, starve me, handcuff me to a pole, those kinds of stuff," I said softly, shrugging.

"And what else?" Hank questioned.

"That's pretty much everything," I stated.

"Did they rape you?" Hank asked bluntly and out of the blue, causing me to be slightly taken aback by surprise.

"What? No!" I exclaimed only to be met with two pairs of unsure eyes. "I promise. They didn't. Maybe that was the plan but they never got to it," I explained

Hank nodded. "One more thing before I have to go back to the district. Your living situation," Hank looked at me.

"Hank.. I'm capable of living alone," I whined a little, expecting him to say that I have to continue living with him.

"We can stick to the original plan before you got kidnapped. You can move back to your place. Jay and I talked, and he said that he'll take care of you and stay with you until you are no longer in pain," Hank told me, glancing at Jay then at me.

I looked at Jay, raising my eyebrows as if questioning him but he only gave me his charming, innocent smile in return.

All I did was nod. As I considered what Hank said, right now, the thought of having Jay stay with me for a few nights sounds perfect. It provided me with comfort knowing that there may still be hope for us, that maybe we can move past this together. That maybe he would be willing to give me another shot and be his girlfriend again.
There's prob a lot of spelling/grammar mistakes cuz I didn't proof read 😬 I just felt so unmotivated and exhausted but wanted to put something out, so this is the product of like 15 mins 😂 so pls bare with me :)

Fanfic instagram: @linsteadloves.ff
Editing instagram: @linstead_love

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