Chapter 39

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Jay's POV
Hank and I stood toe to toe, looking each other dead in the eyes. "If only you knew Halstead. This isn't about me," Hank said in a low voice, in an almost threatening manner.

"Then what is it? Tell us. What other motive do they have? Why did they take Erin?" I challenged back.

"Cut it out you two. We are on the same team here. We have one goal, which is to find Erin, and to bring her back alive and well," Antonio interrupted, coming in between us and gently pushing us apart.

I took a deep breath and went to the break room to just clear my mind amongst all the tension and stress, trying not to let my fear and worry get the best of me. After a few minutes, I went back out just in time to hear the name "Jason Mitchell" being thrown around. "Who is Jason Mitchell?" I asked.

"The name just popped up on Al's mind and he thinks that he was one of the guys they arrested together with Noah and Vanessa. Hank recognizes the name as well, so it's worth a shot," Antonio explained.

"Okay, Jason Mitchell. So you guys are right, he was indeed arrested on the same day as Noah and Vanessa with the same charges, and went to Stateville with them, and was released a few months back as well. He matches the height and build of the person on the security footage from that restaurant. I can't ping his phone or get a LKA but he did inherit a house from his single mom. 7839 South Maryland Avenue," Mouse finished, looking up at us.

"Hit it. Suit up and let's roll out. We are gonna pretend the guys who have her are armed and dangerous," Hank ordered as we all ran to get suited up before driving to the location as fast as we could.

As we arrived at the location, I looked at the house. For some reason, I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach, which has never happened before, not even during our biggest and most dangerous raids. This felt different. Maybe because of the fact that Erin could be inside, and feeling anxious about what state we would find her in. If she's in there.

Hank broke my train of thoughts. "Alright, Jay and Antonio, basement. Al and Adam, 1st floor, Kev and I, top floor," he instructed.

With that, we cautiously walked to the front door, and got into our positions. I looked at Hank, waiting for his signal. "Breach," he commanded.

I kicked the door down, we announced "Chicago P.D." multiple times as we entered, determined to find Erin. As Antonio and I expertly headed down to the basement, my heart was pounding whilst hearing the rest of the unit yell "clear". I glanced at Antonio, as if asking if he was ready before I flung the door to the basement open, immediately seeing an unconscious Erin chained to a pole like a dog in just her underwear with bruises, cuts, scars and blood plastered all over her soft, smooth skin. "Erin!" I exclaimed, holstering my gun and running to her. I knelt down by her side, took off my jacket and covered her with it, holding her in my arms.
Thank you for all your love and support! 💖
They found her. Now the question is: Is she alive or dead? 👀
Instagram: @linstead_love

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