Chapter 13

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Erin's POV
As I started to become aware of my surroundings, I hear someone talking to me. "Who is that?" I thought. I tried to pay attention to the voice to figure out who it was. As the voice became clearer, I immediately recognized his voice. "Jay's voice. Wait, why is he talking to me? Why can't I respond to him?"

My senses slowly became more prominent and I felt a hand in mine, probably Jay's. I tried squeezing his hand, only failing. I tried a couple more times and finally succeeded, successfully squeezing his hand even though it was very gentle.

Some time later, I gave his hand another squeeze and opened my eyes, immediately closing my eyes again as the bright light blinded me. Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I opened them again. Looking around, I was confused. I didn't know where I was, I felt panic rising within me. I heard Jay say something but I couldn't quite process what he was saying. My breathing became faster and my throat felt uncomfortable. As I began to hyperventilate, I shakily reached my hand up and pulled on the tube that was down my throat, trying to pull it out and remove it, only to be stopped by Jay.

Jay's POV
As I watched her slowly wake up, I squeezed her hand gently. She squinted her eyes and I got up to make the lights more dim before sitting back down beside her again. She looked around, confused and disoriented, I informed, "Hey Erin. You're at Chicago Med."

The only response I got was the quickening of her breathing. She began to panic and hyperventilate as she reached her hand up and started tugging on her intubation tube. I took both her hands in mine to prevent her from pulling it out. "Erin, don't pull on your tube. Take deep breaths. You are okay. I'll get a doctor," I told her as calmly as possible, reaching over to press the button to call for a doctor or nurse.
Thank you guys so much for reading and for all your feedback. If you guys would like to talk to me, hmu on instagram 😊 I'd love to talk to you guys.
Instagram: @linstead_love

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