Chapter 33

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Hank's POV
It's been a few hours since Erin left and is almost 1am and she still isn't home yet. As the clock ticks and time pass by, I'm getting increasingly frustrated and annoyed with her, wondering if she once again failed and lied to me, and she in fact did not go to Jay's, but instead went to visit her old friends. However, deep inside me, my instincts felt that something was wrong and I felt this feeling of uneasiness succumb to me. Needing a sense of reassurance, I called Jay when my call to Erin went straight to voicemail for what seemed like the hundredth time in the past hour.

The phone rang a few times before a groggy, sleepy sounding Jay rang through the phone, "Hey Sarge. Did we catch a case?"

I ignored his question and immediately asked, "Halstead, where's Erin?"

"I don't know. Am I supposed to know where she is? The last time I saw her was a few days ago at your house," he yawned.

"So she didn't come over to your place? Cuz she told me that she was going to see you," I replied, starting to get worried.

"No. I was alone all night, nobody showed up," he answered, suddenly sounding alert.

"Something is not right," I mumbled softly in my gravelly voice.

"Do you think she's in trouble?" he questioned, his voice full of worry.

"I'm not sure. I'm gonna get Mouse to ping her phone. Call Antonio and you two come over to my place," I stated. And upon getting his reply, I hung up the phone, called Mouse, quickly explained to him what was going on and asked him to ping my phone.

Jay's POV
I was in deep slumber when my phone suddenly started ringing. I quickly saw who it was and picked it up, still half asleep. When I heard that Erin may potentially be either missing or in danger as she didn't show up to my place, I immediately perked up and sat up, trying to brainstorm what could have happened. I know that it could be a possibility that she had lied to Hank, but I highly doubt it because she has been working so hard to get clean. And the chance of her just letting herself fall back was minuscule to none. It just wasn't who she is. She has always been a fighter and would never back down. After eliminating that possibility, the next and only logical reason was that she was in trouble, which immediately sparked fear within me. I have almost lost her twice in the past few weeks, there was no way I was going to be on the verge of losing her. Again. For the third time.

After hanging up Hank's call, I quickly got ready while calling Antonio simultaneously before dashing to my car and over to Hank's house, praying that nothing major had happened to her.
Thank you for reading!
Idk how I feel about this chapter tbh, I feel like it could be the worst chapter I have ever wrote. I wasn't sure how to make it long without making it bad or sounding repetitive. But quality over quantity right? Anyways, thank you so much for reading!

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