Chapter 11

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Hank's POV
Relief immediately washed over me once Connor informed us that Erin would be okay. She is the only family I have left. First I lost Camille, then Justin. I don't know what I'd have done if I had lost her. She is like a daughter to me.

About an hour later, a nurse came and notified us that we can go see Erin now. As a courtesy from the unit, they told me to go see her first. I nodded and went to her room.

As I entered, I saw her hooked up to all these machines and it broke my heart. I held her hand in mine, "Hey kiddo. Get better soon." I continued to talk to her for a while, then proceeded to give her a kiss on her forehead before leaving her room.

Jay's POV
I decided that I'd go last so I could stay with her longer. Hank went first, and after he came back, the unit took turns going to see Erin in pairs. Every time they'd come back, they had this sad look on their face and would give me a pitiful smile, which made me feel even more nervous and anxious to see her. Once everyone had visited Erin, Hank looked at me before looking around at everyone and said, "I know that this has been hard on all of us. But we still have a case to solve. Let's find the guy who shot Erin and murdered that girl. She'd want us to go out there and solve this case instead of staying here and being worried about her." As everybody's nods, he looked at me, "Jay, stay here with Erin. I don't want her waking up alone. Update us when she is awake or if anything changes."

"Yes Sarge. I will. Thank you." I gave him a small smile. At that, the unit filed out of the waiting room and each gave me a pat on the back. And with that, I made my way to Erin's room.


Instagram: @linstead_love

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