Chapter 42

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Jay's POV
Upon arrival at Med, a bunch of doctors and nurses immediately rushed to tend to Erin. And in a blink of an eye, I was informed that they were rushing Erin to surgery and to conduct what felt like a million tests and exams. Even though everything seemed to be moving so quickly, faster than a bullet train even, time seemed to be moving slower than a snail. And with all the chaos happening around me, I failed to realize that they are most likely going to flood her with addictive painkillers, something she has been trying so hard to stay away from and not give in to her temptations.

As I sat in the waiting room anxiously, leaned forward on the chair with my face buried in my hands, I was left alone with my own thoughts. I can't help but wonder what those guys put her through the entire time she was kidnapped. Abuse. Beating. Starvation. Thirst. Potentially rape even. I didn't even want to think about that last one. However, knowing how we found her, there is a possibility that the last one may have happened. The thought of the guys touching her without her consent and against her own will not only aggravates me, but also infuriates me to no end. She has been through hell and back within the 30 or so hours she was there.

I thought back to what Erin had said when we found her. When Hank approached her and asked her a question, she immediately told Hank the names of her offenders, and some of those names were brought up by Hank and Al during our investigation. Furthermore, though her voice was barely a whisper, I could tell what she said. She stated that they were back for vengeance. What did that mean? She clearly knew those guys, and so did Hank and Al, but what was the connection between them and the guys? Why would they come back for vengeance? And particularly target Erin? And she mentioned 1999, what could've happened then that would've caused them to do this to Erin? Maybe Erin did something to them during that day in 1999. But that couldn't be it right? What could've Erin done that would cause her to deserve what they did to her? As my mind went around in circles, I couldn't help but wonder what could've happened years ago. This whole thing just felt off to me. The fact that Hank and Al knew those guys made the whole situation even more bizarre.

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by Connor calling my name. I snapped my head up and immediately stood up. "How is she? Please tell me she's alright," I practically pleaded.

"Well, do you wanna hear the good news or bad news first?" Connor asked, taking off his mask as he looked at me.
I wonder what the good and bad news could be 🤔
Instagram: @linstead_love

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