Chapter 41

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Erin's POV
Once I mentioned those three names, Hank's face immediately flooded with fury. "They should be here. Are they not?" I questioned, feeling myself getting progressively weaker.

"No. The house is clear. But we are gonna damn well nail those three and I'll make sure they don't see the light of day again," Hank stated furiously.

All I did was nod, trying not to let my pounding head and heavy eyes get the best of me. However, that alone has proved to be a demanding task as I felt my body give in every passing second. "Erin, just hang on tight. The paramedics are almost here. 5 minutes out," Antonio said.

"Erin, just stay strong for all of us," Jay encouraged.

I tried to nod again, but found myself to be incapable of doing so. I winced as Jay made the slightest movement and put additional pressure on my bleeding shoulder. "Wa- water," I mumbled weakly as I tasted a stench of blood on my dry lips.

"What is it Erin? You want water?" Jay asked softly.

I tried my best to nod. "I'll go get some," Kevin volunteered and he left to find some.

A few minutes later, he finally came back with a bottle of water. I slowly sat up, Jay supporting me as I did. I grimaced as an intense amount of excruciating pain shot through my entire body. Jay took the bottle from Kev and held it for me. At this point, I didn't even try to hold the bottle myself, knowing I would just spill the water all over myself, and was just glad to finally be drinking again. The days of being deprived from food and water caught up on me as I quickly chugged the entire bottle of water.

Hank bent down to my eye level after I finished drinking. "Kiddo, I know you are in a ton of pain right now, but I got to ask you. Did they rape you?" Hank inquired, his eyes full of caring but also anger at the same time, from what I assume is towards the guys.

Just as I was about to reply, Gabby and Shay came running from the door, being led by Adam and they started working on me. "Alright guys, let's catch these pricks. Halstead, stay with her and don't leave her side. Keep us updated," Hank ordered.

"Yes Sarge. I'm not planning to leave her anyways," Jay declared.

As Gabby and Shay were throwing me a bunch of questions to get an idea on how I'm feeling and stabbing me with needles as they administered all sorts of IV and medication, or at least I think they are, everything felt like a big, fuzzy giant cloud. Everything was just moving so quickly.

When they wheeled me in the ambulance, the feeling was all too familiar. As I succumbed to the pain and closed my eyes, all I could think was, "Round two, here we go again."
Instagram: @linstead_love (I post edits there too 😊)

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