Chapter 15

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Erin's POV
Connor looked at me confused and carefully asked, "More what?"

I looked at my shoulder and gently placed my hand over it, wincing as I did so, showing that I was in pain. I quietly answered, "More pain meds."

Connor raised his eyebrows and stated firmly, "No Erin. You ODed when we administered you just 5 mg of morphine when you got here. We had to intubate you and you were unresponsive. You almost coded and we faced multiple complications when we were trying to remove the bullet. Not to mention that we found high levels of opioids in your bloodstream when we ran a blood test after you ODed." I saw Erin trying to interrupt me but I continued, trying to stay firm in not giving her more, "It is my job to save you, not lose you. I do not want to call your time of death Erin."

I looked down quietly, trying to process all the information he just spit at me. I was silent for a while as I thought, then questioned softly, "Am I on the highest dose of morphine?"

Connor replied, "No, not quite, but that is not my point Erin..."

I glanced at him emotionlessly and slightly demanded, "Then give me more morphine. Please... I am in a lot of pain," I winced to sound convincing, then continued, "I know my rights. I know that you have to listen to me as long as I am in the right state of mind, which I am. And right now, I'm telling you that I want more painkiller. You don't understand how excruciating this pain is. You performed the surgery, but you don't know the pain during post-op."

Connor looked at me for a couple seconds, looking like his brain is turning. Finally, he reluctantly gave in, "Fine. I'm going to increase your morphine, but once I increase it, it is the highest dose I am comfortable in giving you."

I watched him increase the dose and nodded, thanking him. He watched my vitals for a couple more minutes before telling me that he will be back to check on me in a few hours and left the room.

Connor's POV
As I walked out of Erin's room, I walked past Jay holding a bag of food and a bottle of drink. I stopped him, looked at him and said, "Jay, you need to talk to that girl of yours. Talk her out of it."
Instagram: @linstead_love

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