Chapter 6: Treat day

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Lily's POV:

"Here comes my baby" mum chimed as I walked into the kitchen.

The painkillers had kicked in quickly and my headache was starting to fade away.

"Hey mum" I walked up to her and gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek before sitting down by the delicious smelling food.

"You feel better princess?". Dad was already tucking into his cooked breakfast with a smile on his face.

"Yeah. I feel pretty good now. Just wanting to get on with the day".

I wasn't going to let my husband cheating on me put a hold on my life. In fact I felt a new found confidence in me, something that I hadn't felt in so long. That stranger really left me with a good feeling about myself and I was going to take on board everything he had said.

"Oh yeah? You got plans today?" Mum muttered as she placed down a plate piled high with greasy goodness.

"Hmm" I sounded through a mouthful of sausage.

"I'm going to go to the house and collect some of my stuff. He has work today so chances of me encountering him are slim. Thankfully I have the day off work, so I'm going to look for a new place to live and have a me day. Something I haven't done in so long".

"That's my girl" dad whispered as he stroked my hair softly.

"Do you want a coffee or anything?" Mum called out.

"Dammit woman will you sit down and eat something. Stop faffing Isabella".

Mum put her hands up in surrender as dad jokingly scolded her.

James picked her a plate and piled it high with food. A little part of me was worried about mum. She was losing weight even though she was slim already. I never questioned her, but I noticed that she had been losing her appetite a lot recently.

Eating in a peaceful calm atmosphere with little talking was so lovely. Matthew was always chatting my ear off about meetings and business and truth be told it bored me to death.

"Mum that was delicious. Thank you. But I best be heading off".

"Ok sweetheart. Please keep us updated with everything yeah?".

Dad stood up and walked away from his plate before embracing me in a bear hug.

"Don't worry I will" I muffled into my dad's shoulder.

"You call me straight away if he tries anything with you Ok?". Dad sometimes scared me with his serious tone. Truthfully I wouldn't be surprised if he killed him.

"Will do. Oh uh dad? Could you please drive me to the bar. I left my car there".

"Of course princess".

I was going to enjoy this day. Today was about me and I was going to spoil myself and cherish myself like my husband should have done.


"Can I take your order please".

"Hello, hi. Can I please get a 9 piece bargain bucket".

The girl's eyes widened and roamed subtly over my body. My lips instinctively rolled together as I knew what this bitch was thinking. But I was going to treat myself today and nobody could stop me.

"You sure you about that?" She mumbled under her breath.

This hoe about to get slapped.

Putting on my fakest smile I placed my card on the scanner and watched the payment come back approved.

"Thank you Ma'am" she grumbled making it clear as day that she hated her job at KFC.

"Here, enjoy". The woman handed me over my large bucket with an emotionless expression.

"Oh I certainly will" I muttered back whilst enjoying the lingering smell of crispy chicken.

Carefully carrying my shopping bags along with my bargain bucket, I finally reached my car and placed the items down on the ground.
Just as I reached for my car keys my heart stopped as I noticed a single white lily on the bonnet of my car.

"What the hell?" I whispered as I carefully picked up the beautiful flower.

"Lily" a familiar voice called out stilling my frantic heartbeat in a split second.

I spun around with the flower still in my hand and felt my heart ache seeing Matthew standing opposite me.

Had Matthew given me that flower last night and this morning? Was he following me? He always did love buying me flowers.

"Matthew". My tone was cold and empty but my heart felt a million different emotions. My husband, the man I thought was the love of my life stood before me with tears welling up in his eyes. I also noticed several cuts and bruises on his face that looked slightly old.

"You're looking beautiful as ever". His voice was broken and sad as if he had realised what he had lost.

"Lily, I"-

"No Matthew. Not another word. I don't want to hear any excuse of yours". Opening up my car boot, I picked up my shopping and masterfully organised it in the small space I had.

"I love you, please. Give me another chance to prove myself and"-

"Matthew stop. I'm not doing this. You cheated on me, there's nothing more to say".

Ensuring my bargain bucket was safely tucked in to the passenger seat I slammed the door shut and headed to the driver's seat. But Matthew jumped in front of the door with his hands out stopping me.

"Get out of my way Matthew".

"No. Not until you listen to what I have to say".

"I don't care what you have to say. Actions showed it all when you were with that woman".

Reaching for my door handle, Matthew suddenly swatted my hand off the handle before gripping my shoulders firmly.

"Lily, just listen".

"NO. I said get off".

"I believe the lady told you to get off. So why don't you get your hands off her".

A deep raspy voice echoed from behind us capturing our attention in that single split second.

"Who the hell are you butting into our private conversation?" Matthew yelled at him. The man's eyes darkened as his eyes remained frozen on Matthew.

The handsome man I had seen last night took another step closer and let out a deep laugh.

"Your worst nightmare if you don't get your hands off her in 3 seconds".

It was him. The man I had seen last night. The man who comforted me and ensured I got home safely.

Matthew thankfully took the hint and let go of my shoulders retreating back a few steps away from this powerful terrifying man in front of us.

"Hello Kitten".

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