Chapter 4: Kind stranger

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Lily's POV:

I felt bad for switching my phone off, but I didn't care to talk to anyone. What could I say, what could anyone say after witnessing something so vulgar. Something so heartbreaking.

He was my everything. I gave him all of me and he hurt me in the worst way possible. The worst part was the feeling that it wasn't the first time he hooked up with his secretary.

I needed to block everyone and everything out. For months I had been the good wife staying at home, cooking, cleaning and working. I had noticed I'd been going out less because I was focusing on spending more time with him. Little did I know all his business meetings and dinners he was spending more time getting to know women in bed.

"Screw it. Screw everything".

Pulling up outside a bar, I switched the engine off and rested my head back on the head rest. I knew mum and dad would be worried about me, but I just didn't want to be around them or anyone I knew.

It had been so long since I had any alcohol, Matthew never liked me drinking.

Since when do I let a man make a decisions for me?

Tucking my phone into my pocket and ensuring I left no valuables lying around, I hopped out the car and shivered as the cold night air tore through me. Locking the door, I picked up my coat off the bonnet and headed to the direction of the lonely looking bar.

Gazing round at the few cars I sighed deeply hoping to have a peaceful drink at the bar without anyone bothering me.

As I stepped into the bar I was surprised to see more people than expected. Perhaps there was a special event on or something or other. The warmth was inviting and the gentle background music lifted my spirits.

"Heya love, what can I get you?" The bartender called out as I walked nervously towards the bar.

"Hello. Please can I have a red wine".

"Of course love".

I've probably made a bad choice ordering myself a wine. One glass and I'll start talking to imaginary people.

"That'll be £3.25".

"Here, keep the change" I muttered whilst handing him a £5 note.

"Thank you love, enjoy" he replied pushing forwards a very large glass of red wine.

I'll get a taxi home tonight.

Lifting the glass to my lips, I tipped the glass up and swallowed a large gulp of the smooth red liquid satisfied by the slight bitter taste going down my throat.

Staring round at the bar I noticed a lot of happy looking couples staring at each other in awe. That's what I thought me and Matthew were. I thought we were madly in love. Guess it was only one sided.

I didn't even take notice of how quick I was gulping down my wine and soon enough I was on my second large glass.

All the events came into mind the more I drank. The girl lying on the sofa, their lips locked and their bodies moving in sync. It all makes sense, I should have seen the signs. I'm worthless and nobody will ever love me for who I am. I truthfully thought I had what mum and dad have. They have real love and that's something I guess that I won't ever find.

Tears had begun to well up in my eyes as I drowned my sorrows in wine and romantic music. I felt all alone. I felt helpless and the pain in my heart was too much to bear.

"Is this seat free?".

I jumped out of my skin as a deep raspy voice whispered into my ear making me almost stumble back off the bar stool.

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