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I was paired to fight Izuku. I smiled at him. "Give me your all ok (Y/n)"? Izuku asked. "The way you talking makes it sound like you'll beat me". I smiled. "First time for everything right"? Izuku asked. We both went at each other.

Bakugo's POV

"Deku's going to win this right"? Urarka asked. "I mean she is the little sister". Todoroki said. I scoffed. "Don't fucking look down on that little sister. Because that's the strongest girl you'll ever see". I said looking at the fight. (Y/n) had Deku's arm behind his back in a if you move I'll break it position. I smirked. Everyone had shocked expressions. "This isn't just a innocent little girl. That's a killer". I laughed as she let Deku go who was on the ground in pain. "Izuku"? (Y/n) sat on the ground beside Deku rubbing his head. "You let me get that first punch in"! Deku yelled. Deku only had a couple punches on (Y/n). "Sorry". (Y/n) smiled. She helped Deku up. "Next time I'll win". Deku said. (Y/n) laughed. "I hope so! And I'm counting on you to"! (Y/n) said. "Did you guys notice something about (Y/n)"? Iida asked. "She didn't use her quirk did she"? Yaomomo asked. "That's just because it was Deku. If it would have been you guys, she'd beat you into the damn wall. But for him. Simple and swift". I said. "What about you"? Kaminari asked. "She's never won a fight against me. It's just because she never tries hard enough to win". I said.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Fuck shit pussy ass motherfucking damn bitch". I mumbled. Izuku looked at me. "Language"! Izuku yelled. I laughed. "I was singing a song". I told Izuku. "Jesus". Izuku mumbled. "(Y/n) what song did you sing when you won that trophy in your room"? Jirou asked. "Who says for the 2nd place and love me like you do for 1st". Bakugo said. "Yeah, you killed the fuck out those drums Kacchan". I laughed. "I know". Bakugo said. He looked at me. "You're singing is just like your face". Bakugo said. "Ugly? Wow thanks". I sulked putting my head down. "Wow you are dense". Kaminari said. I looked at him confused.

"What"? I asked. "I thought Bakugo meant she was attractive of some sorts". Todoroki said. "He did"  Kirishima said. I blushed. "I'ma head out". I said. "Where are you going"? Izuku asked. "Just to wonder around. I'll be back in a hour". I said. "Don't get lost". Bakugo said. "Why you say that like I have a tendency to get lost"? I asked. "She's never lost she's just in the woods". Izuku said. "Yeah! I'm just chilling by my dad's grave eating chocolate". I said. Everyone but Izuku and Bakugo had shocked faces. "What"? Kirishima asked. "Are you... Joking"? Tokoyami asked. "That's a very inappropriate joke". Iida said. "She wasn't. (Y/n)'s dad died before she was born, she tends to go to the spot he was buried and stay there for hours even days". Izuku said. "Wait... You two have different dad's"? Todoroki asked. Izuku and I nodded.

"Duh... Look at them they don't even look like". Bakugo said. "They have the same smile". Urarka said. "Don't compare pure sunshine to a complete piece of shit". Bakugo said. "Izuku Kacchan complimented you! For first time in forever"! I sung the last part. "Yeah, I'm the piece of shit sis". Izuku said. I frowned. "But you're my sunshine". I smiled hugging him. "My heart can't take you". Izuku said. I gave a closed eye smile. "I'll see you guys later"! I smiled.

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