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"Come here". Bakugo said. "You think you can tell me what to do"? I asked Bakugo as a joke. He glared. "5". Bakugo said. "What"? I asked confused. "4". He said getting up. "Huh"? I mumbled. "3". Bakugo had a evil smirk. "Kacchan stop counting"! I yelled. "2"! He said. Before he said one I was at his side. He grabbed my face. "You made me get up and I wanted to cuddle". Bakugo said brought my face closer to his. "I didn't make you do shit". I said. He kissed me. "Kacchan I have something to do". I said. "Me too". He grabbed my ass. I jumped. "I really hope yours is studying the Bible". I said. He kissed me again.

"I want to study you. What turns you on"? Bakugo asked. "The word of God". I said. "Alright get on your knees and pray". Bakugo said. My face went red. "Huh"? I asked. He pushed me on the bed. Bakugo got on top of me. I closed my eyes hiding my face in both my hands. "Relax baby, this won't be fun if you're all tense and shit". Bakugo said pining my arms. He kissed me. It wasn't like it was bad or anything. It was just sudden. I kissed him back. He had both my hands pinned above my head with one of his hands. While the other gentle grazed my inner thigh, he made circle motions with thumb on my thighs. He kissed my ears. And I started feelings funny. I let out a little whimper.

"You like that"? Bakugo asked. I have no idea what was going on. He licked and sucked on my ears. I bit my tongue trying not to let any sound out. He then went to kiss and suck on my neck. "You're really beautiful. You know that don't you"? Bakugo asked. I didn't know what to say. All of this was new for me. "You can talk y'know". Bakugo said letting my hands go. He touched my stomach and thighs and I squirmed. My heart was racing. I didn't know what to do. Bakugo looked up at me. "(Y/n)"? He asked. I didn't know I was crying until I touched my cheeks. "I'm sorry"! Bakugo said. I didn't even know why I was crying. "Kacchan... I don't know what to do". I said wiping my tears. "You were doing fine. I wasn't going to actually have sex with you. I just wanted to show you how much I cared". Bakugo blushed.

"I... I care about you to Kacchan... But I'm scared. I don't know how this stuff works. I don't know understand it". I said. Bakugo sighed. Then smiled. "I guess it's my own fault. Not letting guys touch and all before we got together". Bakugo said. I frowned. "I don't regret it though. I rather have you like this". Bakugo said. I smiled. "I'm sorry". I said. "It's ok. I'm not going to pressure you into anything". Bakugo said. I nodded. I was in the common room playing the guitar.

"Oh, she's sweet but a psycho. A little bit psycho. At night she's screamin' I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind. Oh, she's hot but a psycho. So left but she's right though. At night she's screamin' I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind". I song. Bakugo walked in and sat by me. "What are you doing"? Bakugo asked. "Jirou wanted to go to a club with me. Not like a adult club. Just like a karaoke thing. She said it's cool". I smiled. "You're going on a date with ears"? Bakugo asked. "Uh... Hanging out". I said. "Ears can sing"? Bakugo asked. "I'm supposed to sing and she's doing all the musical stuff mostly". I laughed. "You're replacing me"? Bakugo asked.

"No! You'll always be my drummer boy". I smiled. "Boy"? Bakugo asked putting his hand on my thigh. I laughed nervously. "I mean man". I said. He kissed my shoulder. "I'm your man". Bakugo said. He went to kiss me. Someone came in between us. "Hi! Sis! Hi Kacchan! Mind if I sit"? Izuku asked. "Deku what the hell"? Bakugo asked. "Hi Ku"! I smiled. "Sis you must been training really hard with Bakugo. You have bruises on your neck and shoulders". Izuku said. He knew what they were.

"Kacchan you should really ease up. You know". Izuku smiled looking him in the eyes. Bakugo had a pretty calm face. And when he was calm he was scary. But when Izuku was like this... He was scary too. "Those are hickey's shitty nerd". Bakugo said. "You know hickey's can do permanent damaged to the skin Kacchan". Izuku said. "Good thing she heals quickly". Bakugo said. "Uh... So how about All Might"? I asked trying to change the subject. Izuku hugged me. Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Damn nerd. Get away from her". Bakugo said. "She's my sister". Izuku said. "So she's damn near my sister to". Bakugo said. "Well you shouldn't date her. That's weird". Izuku said. Bakugo bawled his fist.

"You just now started to be a good brother"? Bakugo asked. "I've always been a good brother. You just beat me to all the boy's and stuff". Izuku said. "Fuck you Deku". Bakugo said. I got up. "Time for me to go! Bye"! I smiled kissing Izuku cheek. "Bye Kacchan". I gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Love you both". I smiled.

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