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(A/n I'm so sorry but all the chapters from here on out are in the wrong orders because Wattpad rearrange all my chapters. But if you still want to read just pay attention to the chapter. Because I believe after this chapter it'll be chapter 40)

It's been a couple of weeks sense Bakugo and I been dating. We still haven't kissed. I'm to afraid of kissing him. I was fighting Urarka. I was mostly dodging her. I never felt comfortable hitting people. "I've noticed something about you (Y/n)". Urarka said. "That so? What is it"? I asked. "You never hit... You dodge and look for a point to take someone down". Urarka said. "Yeah... So"? I asked. "I'll just think the way Bakugo and Deku. Talk to highly about you. You'll fight". She said. I shrugged. "I don't need their praises. I don't need to fight. It's not like you'll kill me. And I wouldn't fight if you were going to kill me". I punched the ground and a big hole opened. Her eyes widen.

"My life isn't that important to me". I said. Now behind her pinning her down from the back. "I didn't even... See you move". Urarka said. I laughed. "I don't need to fight. I just need a strategy". I said helping her up and she rubbed her wrist. "Hey... What you said... About your life. Were you serious? Do you not value your life"? Urarka asked. "That's petty. There's over a billion people on this earth. Why worry about by life when I can risk it all saving them". I said. "Those death jokes you make... You were serious"? Urarka asked. "Those were jokes. Here's the truth. I believe that I should die for the people I care about. My loyalty is to them. So if Izuku and Bakugo was in danger. No thoughts. I would give my life for them. I'd give life for anyone worthy of it. To be honest. I've lived long enough to know that people live to die". I said.

"Does Deku know about this? Your mindset"? Urarka asked. "Probably not. Him knowing wont really change my mind". I said. "You know... You're just like Deku... You'll lay your life on the line for others". Urarka said. "As long as I'm around he's not doing any of that. Because I rather I die, then him and Kacchan die". I said walking away. Izuku smiled. "You two were talking for a while". Izuku said. I smiled. "It wasn't anything important". I laughed. "Looks like you're getting better at controlling your speed". Izuku said. "Gotta be faster y'know". I smiled. "Just don't over work yourself like you tell me". Izuku smiled. "I won't". I laughed. Bakugo walked over. "I could have sworn round face would have had you". Bakugo said. "Have you been telling people that I'd beat them into a wall!? Kacchan you know I don't hit people". I said. "You need to start. That dodging shit won't cut it with me". Bakugo said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not going back over this with you". I said.

Izuku's POV

I was with Urarka. "Deku... I think you might need to talk to (Y/n)". She looked down. "Huh"? I asked. "... I'm worried about hurt". Urarka said. "What do you mean"? I asked. Urarka told me what (Y/n) told her. I sat in shock. "S-she... Said that"? I asked. "I just... She's to nice to be thinking of herself like that". Urarka said. "I'm going to talk to Kacchan. Thanks Urarka". I said. I ran and found Kacchan with Kirishima. "Kacchan it's an emergency". I said. He looked at me. "What is it nerd"? He asked. "Kirishima do you mind if I borrow Kacchan for a second"? I asked.

"Go ahead man". Kirishima walked away. I told Kacchan what Urarka told me. He stared at me. "Oh fuck... What the hell is she thinking!? I don't need her to any of that shit for me". Kacchan said. "Why is she thinking like that... Is that how she always saw us"? I asked. "It'll make sense... We're basically her pack. And you know how wolves are". Kacchan mumbled. I frowned. "Is she going through depression"? I asked. "You realize that now? I don't know what she's doing or who she's with. But she seems different and I don't like it. And have you noticed how scarred up she is most of the time? I don't know if she's doing to herself or if she's being bullied. But someone's getting there ass beat". Kacchan growled.

"She says she fell... I know it's a lie. But I'm to scared to call her out on it". I said. "Yeah... She always says that. Where is she anyway? She's usually with one of us". Kacchan said. "I think she's on the roof... She's up there a lot on breaks just alone. Shinsou actually told me she was up there. Just staring off into the distance crying one day". I said. Kacchan growled. "I hate this shit". I frowned. "I know but... We can't force her into saying anything". I said. "Says you... I'll do whatever the hell I want. I'm going to fucking force my emotional support onto her and her importance to me". Kacchan growled bawling his fist. Why did he make that sound painful? "Let's go talk to her". I said. Kacchan nodded and walked. I followed him.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was staring at the sky. "Why the hell are you up here"? Bakugo asked. "Urarka told you guys what I said"? I asked. "(Y/n) I don't know what you're thinking anymore. But I know that I'd never want you to think that your life is just dirt. I'll be sad if you left me". Izuku said. "He's already a fucking cry baby. And I'd kill you myself before I let you take a fatal hit for me". Bakugo said. "I know... But you guys know I have morals. I live by a law". I said. "Fuck your law. Why the hell are you always covered in scratches"? Bakugo asked. "I sneak out into the woods at night and I get cut up". I said telling the truth. "Don't do that shit. I'm not going to watch over you like you're a damn baby". Bakugo said. "I didn't ask you to". I said. "(Y/n)...". Izuku said eyes watering. My heart swelled. I quickly got up. "I'm so sorry! I won't do it again! Izuku please. When you cry I cry". I said tearing up.

"I'm worried about you". Izuku said. "See you made Deku cry". Bakugo said. Bakugo was angry with me. I made my brother sad and my boyfriend mad. "I'm sorry"! I cried. Bakugo hugged me. "Stop being a dumbass. Your life is as important as anyone else's". Bakugo said. Izuku nodded. "You trust us right"? Izuku asked. I nodded.

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