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"Alright got the hero license"! I smiled. Izuku started crying which made me cry. "I'm so proud of you! We're going to be heroes together". Izuku said. I cried and smiled. "I'm right with you Ku"! I smiled hugging him. "You two are fucking nerds". Bakugo said. I went and hugged Kacchan. "I promise I'm going to be a great hero! Just like you will be Kacchan". I said. Bakugo face turned red. "Let go...". Bakugo said after a second. I let go and wiped my tears. I gave a thumbs up. "Let's do this shit! Together". I smiled blushing. Bakugo blushed to. He chuckled. "Whatever dumbass". Bakugo said walking away. I looked at Izuku. "I need to get stronger"! I smiled. "I'm with you". Izuku said and we fist bumped. At school Izuku was talking to Mirio senpai. I walked over. "Hey Senpai! Hey Ku"! I smiled. "Hey (Y/n)"! Mirio said. "Hi sis. What's up"? Izuku asked.

"I was wondering if you would help me with my homework". I said. "I'm sorry... I can't". Izuku said sadly. "It's cool". I said. In class we were waiting for Aizawa sensei. "You look deep in thought". Ashido said. "I'm just thinking". I said. "What about"? Asui asked. "Nothing important". I smiled. I need someone to tutor me. I can't ask Yaomomo she probably has a busy schedule. I'm going to fail (w/s). "Woah! (Y/n)! The color just drained from your face"! Urarka said. I put my head down on the table. "Mother ape ass". I mumbled. "What the hell"!? Bakugo yelled. He slammed his hand on my desk making me jump. "Ow you dickhead"! I yelled. My ears went to normal human ones which made my tail leave to. I was now just a regular person. "What's up with you. You look like your life just ended. And I haven't killed you yet". Bakugo said.

"It's nothing. I'm just reflecting my past life choices". I said. "Why? One of your shitty exes text you"? Bakugo asked. "I literally never had a boyfriend". I said. "Looks like I do my job right! Unlike Deku"! Bakugo yelled. "Alright when you two get together. I'll stop that". Izuku said. The whole class went silent. "What"? Bakugo and I asked. Izuku eyes widen. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to say that! I was just sleepy"! Izuku said red faced. "Plus I don't care who (Y/n) is with as long as she's happy". Izuku said.

"Obviously. When you let her hang around those thugs". Bakugo said. Izuku frowned. "Hey! There not thugs"! I yelled. "So what you call marijuana smoking, gun having, alcohol drinking, rappers wanna be, assholes"? Bakugo asked. I frowned. "Why you gotta disrespect my friend's like that"? I said. "(Y/n)... I'm literally your only friend. No one else likes you". Bakugo said. "Bakugo"! Some of the class yelled. I laughed. "Does it look like I'm trying to make friends"? My eyes glowed yellow. "You better watch who you fucking activating your quirk at Midoriya". Bakugo growled.

"Alright Bakugo". I said looking him up and down. "Oh damn". The class mumbled. "You got something you want to say princess"? Bakugo asked. "Nah blasty. You want to say something"? I smiled showing my now sharp teeth. "I hope you die". Bakugo said. I deactivated my quirk. "Shit me too". I mumbled. "(Y/n)". Izuku said. "I can't be the only person looking forward to dying". I said. "Jesus (Y/n) we talked about this". Izuku said. "Sweet release of death". I smiled happily. "I can feel it now". I smiled.

"You're pretty confident. You must think you're going to heaven". Tokoyami said. "Oh I know I'm going hell". I laughed. "Have been to sleep"? Izuku asked. "Sleep? Is that place? Never been there". I said. "I wonder why you looked more dead then usual". Bakugo said. "Ask your sister why I look dead". I said. "I don't even have a sister". Bakugo said. "Give it nine months". I said. Bakugo laughed. "I'm going to fucking murder you". He said. "I'm looking forward to that". I smiled. "You're to pretty to be such a depressed bitch". Bakugo said. "Your eyesight is to good to call me pretty". I said. "You don't think you're pretty"? Urarka asked. "No... Why would I think that? I look like literally shit". I said.

"No... That's Deku". Bakugo said. "Seriously Kacchan"? Izuku mumbled. "It's ok Midoriya you don't look like shit". Todoroki said. "Thanks Todoroki". Izuku said. "(Y/n) you're one of the hottest girl's at the school". Mineta nose started bleeding. "I'm going to field goal kick this fucker". Bakugo said. "What's your type of guy anyway"? Ashido asked. "I like nice, caring, thoughtful guys". I smiled. "Wait... But you have crush on- oh shit"! Izuku covered his mouth my eyes widen. "What the fuck"!? I yelled at him. "I'm so sorry"! Izuku said. "What type of juice you drinking Ku"? I asked. "Wait who do you have a crush on"? Bakugo asked. My face went red. "Anime character's"! Izuku and I yelled.

"That's bull shit. Don't lie to me. I'm supposed to be your best friend and you never told me you liked someone". Bakugo said. "It doesn't matter! He doesn't like me back". I said. "Sure about that"? Izuku asked. "Ku... I'm going to beat your ass right here if you don't shut the fuck up". I said my eyes glowing. "Ok I think it's time for me to shut up". Izuku said eyes widening in fear. "Deku I will kick your ass if you don't tell me right now". Bakugo said. "Kacchan... No offense or anything became you're scary and all. But I rather you beat me up them her. She's scarier. I've been with her all my life". Izuku said. "Is it someone at the school"? Kirishima asked.

"Uh... Sure". I mumbled. "Is it someone in this class"? Yaomomo asked. "... No". I said. "That's a lie... Boy or girl"? Bakugo asked. "Pass". I said. "Ok... So which one you fuckers wants to die"? Bakugo asked. "Kacchan! It's not one of them"! I yelled. "Then who the fuck is it"! Bakugo yelled. "I'm not going to tell because you'll get mad at me". I said. "Is it someone from a different class for real"!? Bakugo yelled. My eyes started to water. "Just drop it! It doesn't matter". I said. He looked me in the eyes and sighed. "Whatever. If you like this person just ask em out. I taught you to not be afraid. Who cares if you get rejected? Any guy would be lucky to have you". Bakugo mumbled. The class was in shock. "Kacchan...". I mumbled. "What are you all doing"? Aizawa sensei asked. All our eyes widen.

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