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"Come on you aren't getting tired on me are you"? Bakugo asked. I laughed. "No I just like to hear the wolves". I said. He looked at me. "There isn't any wolves out here. It's day time". Bakugo said. "I can still hear them Kacchan". I said. We made it to a picnic. "Wow Kacchan this is really pretty". I smiled. He sat down on the blanket. A basket of food already there. "Bold of you leave this out with wild animals". I smiled. He laughed. "Well it's all in plastic anyway. Most likely they can't smell it". Bakugo said. "Yeah it is kinda hard to smell it. Kacchan why are we in the woods for our first date? Not that I don't like it. It's just odd". I said.

"Well you like the woods... And you liked when we used to go hiking. So I thought this might be perfect. Well some of the girls helped". Bakugo mumbled. "I noticed you've been talking to them". I said. "Were you jealous"? Bakugo teased. "Not really". I said. "Why? Because you know I won't cheat on you"? Bakugo asked. "No that's not it... It's mainly because... I'm- I don't know the word but I'm going to say made. I'm made to want to be with you. Even if you did decided to get another girlfriend... I still want to be your friend. I just want to be close to you Kacchan". I smiled looking up at him. He bawled his fist.

"You dumbass! What makes you think so little about yourself! I could get if you said some shit like 'oh it's because I trust you Kacchan' or 'I know my friend's wouldn't do that' but your ass just-". He growled making a angry frustrated noise. My head went down. "I'm... Sorry Kacchan. I didn't mean to make you angry". I said. "Shut up! You're so much better than you think you are! Everyone likes you! You're hot! And you're the kindest most chill person every! And you have the nerve to call yourself ugly! I heard you and Deku talking! I was so angry at myself for not telling you how beautiful you are! (Y/n)... You need to know that I really li-". My eyes widen I kissed Bakugo.

"Please Kacchan... Don't say". I said. His eyes widen. "Don't... Do it". I said. He hugged me. "I really really really appreciate you". I smiled at Kacchan. His face went red and he bawled his fist angry. He then let out a sigh. "Me too". Bakugo said. "Let's eat Kacchan". I smiled. He kissed me. "The food Kacchan". I said. "Baby". Bakugo said. "Yes Kacchan". I asked. "You love me"? Bakugo asked. My eyes widen. "Kacchan"! I yelled. "Answer the question". Bakugo said. "Yeah... Of course I do... I love you, mom, Izuku, the whole class". I smiled. He frowned. "Don't... Fucking joke. You know I meant in a different way". Bakugo said. "Kacchan... You're 16... I'm 15. All I know is I'll do anything you want me to do. I'll be by your side until the day I die. So if that is love then so be it". I said. Bakugo looked at me he smiled.

"I like how you described the meaning of love. But never actually admitted you love me". Bakugo said. "No, I described being a mate". I said. "Well if you don't know... Being a mate for a wolf. Is love for a normal person". Bakugo said taking the food out. "I guess... Well yeah. Kacchan I love you". I said. "Me too". Bakugo said. I smiled. He leaned in to kiss me. I turned my head hearing a noise. I stood up. "What is it"? Bakugo asked. "I heard and smell a bear". I said. Bakugo rolled his eyes. "You're probably just smelling and hearing things. There's no bears around here". Bakugo said. I rolled my eyes. A baby bear came out the woods. His eyes widen.

"Oh shit". He mumbled. "Yeah. Let's fucking doubt the person with the excellent smell and hearing". I rolled my eyes. He laughed. "Yeah... Sorry". He said. "Kacchan this bad". I said. "Grammar.... And why"? Bakugo asked. "Because that's a baby black bear. And all bear cubs have there momma right behind them". I said. "You afraid of bears. Ms. Queen of the woods"? Bakugo asked. "No but I'm more concerned about you. You can't hurt a bear". I said. "Why the hell not"? Bakugo asked. "You just can't hurt animals"! I said. The bear cub walked over to me. I touched its face.

"You're so cute". I smiled. "Can you talk to all animals"? Bakugo asked. "Only in my wolf form. Other then that I don't know what this little guy is thinking". I said. Then a loud growl came from the bushes. My eyes glowed yellow. "Don't". I growled at the bear. It came closer. It looked at Bakugo. He didn't seem to be to worried. "What"? Bakugo asked. "You don't seem scared". I said. "I know you'll protect me". Bakugo said. I blushed. I let out a loud howl and growl and the bears ran away. "You're so sexy". Bakugo said. I blushed. "Kacchan... Please don't call me that". I said. "You know why I wanted to have this date with you"? Bakugo asked.

"Nope". I said. "It's because I wanted to celebrate us doing so great. I brought you this promise ring. You can wear it on your left finger". Bakugo said. "Is that why you were so mad about my engagement ring prank"? I asked. "Yes... Because that's my fucking finger". He said taking my hand. He put the ring on my finger. "I promise you won't regret us". Bakugo said. I kissed Bakugo. "I won't ever take it off I promise". I said. "I'll hold you to that". Baking smiled.

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