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It's been 8 whole day's since I seen Katsuki. I was lonely. Right now I was eating dinner with Todoroki and Izuku. "Are you ok Sis"? Izuku asked. "I feel sick". I mumbled. "Were you hit by a quirk"? Todoroki asked. "No it's just since her and Kacchan are mated. The longer they're apart... The sicker they get". Izuku said. "Kacchan shouldn't be to affected. He's not a werewolf". I said. "That's sad". Todoroki said. I put my head down. "Will you be able to make it home fine"? Izuku asked worried. "Yeah". I smiled. When I got home I laid down closing my eyes. Until I got a familiar smell of something. I jumped up full of energy. It was strong. Katsuki was close. I ran out the apartment to see Katsuki getting out his car with some orange colored roses. He looked at me with a smile. I ran down the stairs. "Don't run down the stairs"! Katsuki yelled. I smiled jumping onto him. "You missed me didn't you Wolfie"? Katsuki teased. "Not once has someone yelled at me. I missed your yelling! I missed your scent! I missed hearing your heart beat! Kacchan I missed you so much". I said in tears.

"Stop crying jeez". Katsuki put his hand on my head and petted me. He stared at me. "You look sick. Have you been eating and sleeping properly"? Katsuki asked. "No". I said. He slapped the side of my head. I whined. "You dumbass! Is there even food in the house!? Come on so you can have a proper meal! I swear to God I can't leave you alone for shit". Katsuki said. I grabbed his arm gently. "I don't want Kacchan to leave me". I said looking up at him. His eyes widen face heating up. "I can't eat and sleep right without Kacchan". I mumbled. "What the hell is up with you? Don't say sentences like that! You sound... Vulnerable". Katsuki said. "Sorry". I said. "I heard you got the plans for the wedding. You just haven't set a date right"? Katsuki asked. I nodded. "I wanted you to be here for that. I don't actually know what's convenient". I laughed.

A couple of day's passed and I was with the girls and Aoyama. "Ok you sure you're ok with this"? Yaomomo asked. "Yeah cut it to a hot guy style". I smiled. "Oh I got this! I wish I could cut Ei's hair"! Ashido whined. They cut my hair. "Wow you would make a beautiful guy". Aoyama said. "I hope so". I said. The door opened. "Welcome home Kacchan"! I smiled. Katsuki dropped his bag. "What the fuck are you shitty extras doing to my fucking girl"!? Katsuki yelled. "They're cutting my hair! I'm going deep undercover. I'll be able to come home and everything! I have to make this girl fall in love with me"! I smiled. Katsuki eye twitched angrily. "Fuck that! Deku"! Katsuki yelled out. The guy's walked in.

"I'm scared". Izuku mumbled. "Why the fuck is she pretending to be a guy!? Why the hell won't you just pretend to be a guy and fucking do the assignment"!? Katsuki yelled. "Does Midoriya look like someone who can flirt with a girl and not cry"? Todoroki asked. "So we're going to ignore the fact that Kacchan told be to pretend to be a guy"!? Izuku yelled. "How are you guys going to hide (Y/n)'s boobs? They're huge". Kaminari said. "Wrap them and and wear big clothes". I said. I slammed my fist in my hand. "I need a dick". I said. They all looked at me. "Can't help you with that...". Kirishima said. I rolled my eyes. "I meant something to make a print in my pants. When I'm checking out a guy I look at his ass and package". I said. Katsuki looked at me.

"When you do what now"? He asked. "Well... Look at the time. Let's try on some of the guy clothes". I laughed nervously. I tried on a outfit. I had thick socks in my pants to make a print and I wore one earring in my ear. "Woah". The girl's mumbled. "Would you fuck me"? I asked. "Hell yeah". Ashido said. "I'm really trying not to get blood on floor. I just cleaned this morning". Katsuki growled. "Alright let's hear your sweet talk". Hagakure said. "Little boy's take note on how a real man win women over". I said. "Wow I felt attack". Kaminari said. "Right". Sero said. I grabbed Urarka's hand.

"I'm so sorry to bother but I caught a glimpse of you- a-and I just thought... No! I know you're one of the most beautiful girl's alive. I know this is sudden and you're probably busy or have a boyfriend. Because someone as gorgeous as you... Should never be alone. Would you mind if I maybe shared a drink with you? It's your choice to say no". I smiled looking into Urarka eye's. Her face turned bright red... "Oh! I never told you my name. I'm Midoriya". I kissed her knuckles. Urarka got a nose bleed and floated up. She hid her face. "Oh my God! What the hell (Y/n)!? I fell in love with you for like a whole minute"! Ashido said. "No one should have that much power". Asui said. I smiled looking at the guy's. "Don't grin like that! I got you! Weird male version of my girl"! Katsuki yelled. "I wonder if I can pull guy's to like this". I laughed. "You can pull those clothes off. I forbid whatever the hell this is from happening. I'm not going to have you flirt with girl's while I sit home alone wondering about your sexuality". Katsuki said. "I told you I'm Kacchan sexual". I smiled. "Don't talk to me like that dude. And just so you know. What makes you think that little good boy act would pull a villain"? Katsuki asked. I smirked. I walked up to Katsuki.

"Now now Kacchan. I wouldn't have such little faith in me. You wouldn't want to make me angry right? You know you have such a pretty face. I wonder what expression can I get out of you"  I touched his waist. "You have a sexy body to. I'll make it perfect when I run my tongue down it marking you as mine. Katsuki you'll like that wouldn't you? Would you get on your knees for me? I'd think you'll just look... So great covered head to toe in my-". Katsuki pushed me down with a huge blush on his face. Everyone had a blush on there face. "She has this no doubt". Izuku said. "You think so"? I smiled on the floor. "You ever say some shit like that to me again and I'll blast your ass"? Katsuki said. "I was just showing you I was good at flirting Kacchan! See I can pull guy's and girl's! By the third date she'll be begging me to come home with her". I smirked. "Babe...". Katsuki warned. I smiled. "How does this villain even look"? Kirishima said. "She's beautiful her quirk is to teleport. She hires fine ass guy's to work for her". I said. "I just still can't see why Deku couldn't do it. Or any other guy". Katsuki mumbled. "It's mostly because guy's are stupid around beautiful girl's. They might catch feelings. Plus since I'm mated to you! I have no reason to feel anything towards her". I smile.

"That is smart. And I can see (Y/n) doing only thing's that are necessary". Iida said. I smiled. "Try not to smile so much like that. It's a girl smile". Katsuki said. "Deku and (Y/n) have the same smile". Urarka said. "My point still stands... I'm going to bed". Katsuki said. "Night Kacchan". I smiled.

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