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"What do we do"? Izuku asked. "If I'm the person coming up with the plan. Then we can stick our head between our thigh and kiss our ass goodbye". I said. "Sis you're better at this then me". Izuku said. "Alright... Only thing you have to do is act crazier then they are". I said. Izuku and I was tied down to chairs for practice. We couldn't use our quirks. We were going to be interrogated by 'villains'. Todoroki and Bakugo. "Alright... Tell us what we want to know"! Bakugo asked about to exploded Izuku's face. My eyes widen. "Ok! Ok... What you do is. You go down to the nearest pharmacy. Buy some Viagra and it'll help you go fuck yourself"! I yelled. Bakugo looked at me.

"Hey Icyhot if we torture Deku... She'll talk". Bakugo said. "If you hurt Izuku. I promise on his love for All Might. I'm getting out of these restraints and I'm going to kick both of your asses without my quirk. So stop being dick's and come torture me". I said. "Alright if that's what you want". Bakugo said. "Tell us now"! Bakugo yelled punching his hand making a exploding noise in my ear. I whined. I looked at him. "We don't know anything". Izuku said. Todoroki brought his fire close to Izuku. This is about to hurt so bad. I got and used all my force with my quirk and slammed my body back onto the chairs making it break apart. So now I was free. I grabbed two chair leg pieces and used it as weapons. I smacked Bakugo with one then hit him the gut back flipping over Izuku and Todoroki and hit Todoroki with a spinning kick. Then knocked him across the head with the legs.

"That's enough". Aizawa said. I smiled and then looked at Izuku. "Izuku why didn't you break out"? I asked untying him. "Well you never told me that plan". Izuku said. "Yeah but in like movies. When one person breaks out the other just thought of a way to break out to". I laughed. I started twirling one stick like a staff. I looked at Todoroki and Bakugo. "You two good"? I asked. Todoroki had a red stick shape mark across his face. And Bakugo looked angry. I went up to Todoroki. "I'm sorry Todo". I said touching his face. His bruised healed. My eyes widen and I took a step back. He touched his face. "What did you just do"? He asked. "I have no idea". I mumbled. "What the hell are you talking about"? Bakugo asked us. "Nothing". Todoroki and I said. We all walked away. Some how I'm passing my healing to others. And it's weird. Because werewolves don't do that...

"It's weird. Thar bruise would have took a solid minute to leave my face... It left Todoroki's in second's". I mumbled. "The hell are you going on about"? Bakugo asked. "Just questioning my life exists". I laughed. "Why do you still have the sticks". Bakugo asked. I looked down. "Oops". I said. I threw them into the wall they stuck. Bakugo looked at me. "Have you been fucking with me"? Bakugo asked. "If that's what you want to call our relationship". I said. "No, I mean... When we fight. What's up with all of this? And you still haven't beat me"? Bakugo asked. "I don't... Probably just one of those day's". I yawned.

After school I was with the girl's in the common room playing with a butterfly knife. They stared at me in awe and fear. I was just twirling and spinning it. Kids have fidget spinners. I have butterfly knife. "Wow you're really good at using that". Urarka said. "Thanks...". I said throwing it above my head. Then catching it when the sharp part was a inch from my head. I started spinning it and twirling it again. "Stop that before you hurt yourself". Bakugo took it from me. I pouted. "Kacchan why do you always take away my sharp stuff. I've been doing this sense I was a kid". I pouted. He pointed at the tiny cut on my pinky. "By kid you mean since you were 14"? Bakugo asked. "Shut up". I said. My cut had healed. "I agree with Kacchan on this. Even though it's super cool and you should really teach me. You could accidentally hurt someone else". Izuku said.

"Shitty Deku! Why would you do it! You have a higher chance of hurting someone more than she does! And your both dumbasses so that's saying something". Bakugo said tossing my knife back to me. "It was really cool though". Ashido said. "Thanks... But Kacchan and Ku are right. I might accidentally harm myself or someone else". I said putting the butterfly knife in my pocket. "Who even gave that to you"? Izuku asked. "Oh my friend". I said. "Street punk's". Bakugo said. "They are afraid of you. What does that make you"? I asked. "Feared". Bakugo smirked. "I can't with you today". I said getting up. "Babe". Bakugo said grabbed my waist. He looked at my hand. "Where's my ring? Did you take it off"? Bakugo asked.

"Yeah". I said. "You promised not to". Bakugo said. "I'm sorry". I pulled my necklace from under my shirt. "I made it into a necklace because. I couldn't fight with it on. Because I didn't want it to break". I said. "Dumbass I thought you like left it in your room or just didn't care about it". Bakugo said. "Kacchan you noticed things late. I took this off 2 days ago". I said. "I don't pay attention to you like I should". Bakugo said. I laughed. "Well you could say it's closer to my heart now". I smiled. "Awe"! The girls said. "Huh"? Izuku asked. "You lame dumbass". Bakugo blushed looking away.

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