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I was trying on wedding dresses. "Can you believe that you're getting married next week"!? Izuku asked excited. "I feel anxious". I said. "You know what they say everyone gets cold feet". Ashido said. "Maybe we're still to young". I said. "Sis just relax". Izuku said. "What if something goes wrong! What if I forget my vows!? What if I trip on the dress?! What if I get something in my hair and my makeup gets fucked up!? It'll happen. I don't pay attention to it"! I said. "(Y/n) don't freak out on us". Jirou said. "I think I'm going to throw up". I mumbled. "Not in your dress"! Urarka said. I went to take the dress off going to the bathroom and I puked. "I feel sick". I mumbled. "You're not pregnant right"? Yaomomo asked. "No... Maybe. I don't know. I feel bad". I said. "We have been out all day. Maybe you just need to lay down". Asui said. I nodded. I got home and Katsuki was bandaging himself. "You need help"? I asked. "No I got it". Katsuki said. "How was your-". I ran to the bathroom covering my mouth I threw up again. Katsuki walked in.

"Are you alright"? He asked putting my hair in a ponytail. I nodded then threw up again. "Did you eat something bad"? Katsuki asked. "No". I mumbled. He felt my forehead. "Fucking shit! You're burning up (Y/n)"! Katsuki yelled. I started to feel dizzy. "Kacchan". I mumbled before blanking out. When I woke back up there was a rag on my forehead. Katsuki jumped up when he noticed I was up. "You have a 101 fever". Katsuki said. "It's so hot". I mumbled taking my clothes off leaving me in just my bra and underwear. "You have chill bumps". Katsuki said. "It's hot Kacchan". I said. "Why are you sick"? Katsuki asked. "Good fucking question". I mumbled.

"Baby does anything hurt"? Katsuki asked. "My stomach kinda". I said. "I don't understand how you would catch a illness. What's wrong with your quirk"? Katsuki asked. "Nothing". I said. Katsuki felt my forehead again. "Kacchan stop touching me before you get sick". I said. "I won't". Katsuki said. "Yeah but I can't take that chance. The wedding is next week". I mumbled. "You just focus on getting better". Katsuki said. "Ok". I nodded. "Do you think maybe you're pregnant"? Katsuki asked. "That's impossible". I mumbled.

"You're a female. And you're way more fertile than the average women. So it's a high possibility. You got any tests"? Katsuki asked. "Kacchan I'm not pregnant. I'm probably just extremely nervous about the wedding-". I ran to throw up. Katsuki leaned on the door frame. "You throwing up while saying wedding is slightly bothering". Katsuki said. I laughed. I went brush my teeth. "What the hell have you eaten today"? Katsuki asked flushing the toilet. "Nothing". I said. Katsuki eyes widen. "You've been fucking throwing up bile"!? Katsuki yelled. "Do I suppose to know what the hell that is"? I asked.  "Bitch stomach acid! How the hell are you not effected by the taste"? Katsuki asked. "All throw up taste disgusting". I said brushing my tongue.

"You need to eat". Katsuki said. "I am". I said. Katsuki felt my forehead. "Kacchan can you make me Katsudon"? I asked. He looked at the time. "Might as well it's almost dinner time". He shrugged. "Thank you. I'll be back". I said. "The hell you think you're going"? Katsuki asked. "To do a quick patrol". I said. "Dumbass... You're passing out and throwing up. Deku said he'll be happy to take your shift. Begged actually". Katsuki said. "I hope him and Todoroki are all right". I said. "What makes you think some is wrong"? Katsuki asked. "Well I mean... If I was angry at my lover I'd beg to have more work just so I wouldn't be around them. Because I need to clear my head and think". I said. "If you're having a problem with me. You better tell me instead of pushing me away. Or we're fighting". Katsuki said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious. If we ever have arguments. We're either fighting, fucking, or someone is going to have to shut the fuck up". Katsuki said. I laughed.

"But Kacchan sometimes it's good to be apart. That means you can miss me more". I teased. "You're the one who'll miss me. You couldn't function right without me". Katsuki said. "No matter how true that is. You still will miss me". I said. I thought about something. "Kacchan what do I pack for our honeymoon"? I asked. "I'll have it together. Don't worry". Katsuki grinned. "Kacchan". I whined. "Are you still going to call me Kacchan when we're married"? Katsuki asked. "That's always been your name. Unless I'm mad at you". I said. "I've never seen you genuinely mad at me". Katsuki said. "Really? That must be only in my head". I mumbled. "Kiss". Katsuki said.

"No! I'm sick"! I yelled. "You're just pregnant. No food until I get my kiss". Katsuki said. "Don't jinx me like that asshole"! I yelled. "What's wrong with having my kid's bitch"? Katsuki growled. "Why is it kid's now"!? I yelled. "You know wolves have up to 4 to 6 brats right"? Katsuki asked. "Why would you know that"!? I yelled. "You know since you're half wolf. How would the kid's come out. A wolf brats develop for 63 days before being born. But a human is 9 months". I stared at Katsuki in pure horror. "Katsuki"! I yelled. "Are you thinking about some hellish weredemon"? Katsuki asked. "Yes! Oh God I hope our kid's are normal". I mumbled. "If we have a girl she's not aloud to date until she's 33". Katsuki said. "Why not"? I asked. "I'm assuming she'll look like you. And if she does she's never leaving the house". Katsuki said. "Jeez Katsuki...". I mumbled.

"No boy's I'm serious". Katsuki said. "I can see that our kid's are going to like me better". I laughed. "So? Someone's gotta be the responsible one! You'll be they're friend and let them do whatever"! Katsuki said. "Katsuki being a mom mom is lame. I rather be their friend". I said. Katsuki sighed. "Our daughter will he pregnant at 15". He mumbled. "Woah! What if we have a son"? I asked. "He'll be selling drug's on the street". Katsuki said. "I'm not going to be a bad parent Katsuki! My mom was my friend and I turned out awesome". I said. "You smoked weed until you were 14.. You snuck out a night. You drunk alcohol". Katsuki said. "Hey I got grounded for the sneaking out thing"! I yelled. "Should have got a spanking". Katsuki said. "Well you do it to me now". I mumbled. "Go lay down dumbass"! Katsuki yelled.

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