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Daniel's prov~

Last night was the most amazing night! I think I'm really falling for Loren. I don't know how to tell her tho... what if she doesn't feel the same? That would be awkward if I told her I'm like madly in love with her and she only likes me as a friend. I decide to talk to Zach as he was with us yesterday so he can see if he thinks Loren was giving off the 'I like you' vibe.

D-"hey bro I was wondering if we could have a chat"
Z-"ye of course, sit"

I sit down next to him on his bed

Z-"so what's up"
D-"basically I want to talk about last night..."
Z-"right okay..." he looks at me a little confused
D-"I like Loren and I don't want to tell her because I can't tell if she likes me back, so that's where you come in... from what you seen yesterday do you think she was giving off a 'I like you' vibe or do you think it was just a friend vibe?"
Z-"bro I think she is totally into you... but I don't think you should tell her how you feel"
D-"what why?"
Z-"I'm gonna be honest with you... it's early days so even if she does like you I think you at least need to go on a few for dates and get to know each other more before you drop the 'I like you' bomb"
D-"... ye your right. I don't know a lot about her so I don't get why I feel like this already" I look down
Z-"bro it was love at first site between the two of you... your both meant to be together that's why you feel like that" he smiles

I suddenly have a massive smile on my face after hearing Zach say me and Loren are meant to be together. I haven't feel this happy in a long time... due to reasons.

Z-"I'm so happy you are happy again bro, you deserve to be happy after what that bitch put you through"
D-"thanks bro means a lot"

I get up and walk out with a big smile.
We are leaving Las Vegas today as we have a show in San Francisco next but Loren and Brooke are staying here so i want to spend as much time with her as I can.

We are leaving Las Vegas today as we have a show in San Francisco next but Loren and Brooke are staying here so i want to spend as much time with her as I can

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10 minutes later, Loren calls me

L-"hey we are outside the bus, let us on"
D-"sure hold on"

I go running to the door to let them on.

B-"this bus is so big wth! It's like a house!"
L-"Ik I would love to live in one of these!" She turns to look at me "your so lucky"

If only she knew the way I feel about her... she could come on tour with me and the boys and live in a tour bus just like this. I tell myself 'it's not the right time yet, listen to Zach' but it's so hard not to tell her when I'm with her.

D-"I wouldn't say lucky but it's pretty cool"
B-"Loren we should so buy one of these and just travel around America in it!"
L-"would be a good idea if we was millionaires!" Both girls laugh at what loren said
D-"Zach is upstairs by the way, he is probably waiting for you"
B-"my man awaits..." she says laughing
L-"have fun but not too much fun, I can still hear from down here"
B-"yes mom"

Brooke turns away from us and heads up the stairs to meet Zach. I hear them say hi and most likely hug. Now it's just me and Loren, I better not mess this up.
I start walking to the back of the bus where there is a sofa and tv. This is where all my stuff is so we pack in here.

L-"so where do we even start... you have so many clothes and shoes!"
D-"well we are gonna be on the road for like 2 weeks"
L-" wow that's a long time" she looks down "I guess that means I won't see you for that long then"
D-"unless you meet me in some places" I smile hoping she will say yes
L-"i will have to check dates because I want college work to do but other than that I'm pretty much free as a bird" she chuckles
D-"great I can't wait!"
L-"right we better get started or else we won't be ready in time"

We sit on the floor listening to music and packing all my stuff into my 2 suitcases. We laugh, dance and sing. We have the best time, I can't believe how much we get on and I like her.

Our manager (Jon) comes on the bus and starts shouting
"I hope all of you have packed and are ready to leave now!"

All the boys shout back "yes we are ready!"

He comes into the room where me and Loren are. He looks at me then looks at the suitcases then looks at Loren.

Jon-"oh hi! I'm Jon the tour manager, I don't normally shout at the boys don't worry well only when they don't listen in the first place" they both laugh and I'm just sat here "I'm like their dad's, I have 5 teen boys" Loren chuckles
L-"I'm loren and I'm just a friend of Daniel's"

Ouch that hurt just a little.

D-"she was just helping me pack and her friend Brooke is upstairs helping Zach"
Jon-"ooo I love this! You and Loren and Zach and Brooke... so cute" he smiles "anyway I'm sorry to say this but we have to leave if we want to get the plane"
L-"I will go get Brooke and we will be on our way"

She gets up and goes upstairs to get Brooke.

Jon-"so now she is not here, what's going on?" He says with a big smile
D-"nothing we are mates"
Jon-" oh ye right, we both like each other I can tell"
D-"ye I like her but I'm not gonna do anything just yet...Anyway I'm gonna go say bye to them"

I get up and walk to the door to wait for them to come down. Loren, Brooke and Zach walk downstairs and we go outside the bus to say bye as there is more room. I have a long hug with loren, I don't want to say bye.

L-"I will ft you every night and we can text don't worry. These 2 weeks will fly by" she is smiling
D-"ye ik I just hate saying goodbye to people" I smile small
L-"I understand, the downside of having this life"
D-"ye I guess"
L-"I'm gonna go now but enjoy tour and I will see you soon"

We hug one last time.



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